Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Scene Around

Happy endings…

The following are two true stories sent to me by The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous. They are very touching to all people…especially to Jewish people. The first story comes from Minsk, Belarus. It happened back in March of 1943:

Leah Ruderman escaped from the Minsk ghetto, approached by two women she did not know, Nadezhda and her mother, Anna.

Leah begged them to hide her son, Leonid from the Nazis. They agreed to take the child. Leah returned to the ghetto, which was liquidated the next day. She was never heard from again.

Nadezhda Salauyova and her mother hid Leonid until liberation. The family adopted the boy after learning that his father had also been killed.

Leonid was raised knowing that he was Jewish.

The next true story took place in Warsaw, Poland, also in March of 1943:

During the final days of the Warsaw ghetto, Alexander Roslan hid three Jewish boys, David, Jacob and Shalom Gutgeld.

He cared for the boys when they fell gravely ill. While Shalom died, David and Jacob survived the war.

David and Jacob were eventually reunited with their father in Israel.

(There are truly good people in the world. Bless them.)

And speaking of good people…

Recently, I received a World Jewish Congress Digest. One of the featured headlines in the WJC Digest was the following:

“French Jews Reassured.”

It read:

“With the wounds of the horrific murder of three Jewish children and their teacher in Toulouse last year still raw, French President FRANCOIS HOLLANDE pledged his administration’s support to the Franco-Jewish communities.

Addressing the recent annual dinner meeting of the CRIF, (the umbrella organization of French Jewry), Hollande assured the assembly, consisting of regional Jewish leaders including government heads and leaders of other faith organizations, that ‘the Republic can only be at peace with itself when this fear (of violent persecution) disappears.”

(In 2012 and even more recently, French Jewish communities have witnessed an unusual profusion of violent anti-Semitic assaults and vandalism.)

Forever young…

Forever charming… Forever handsome… Forever delightful… Forever ( I could go on and on when writing about IRVING JACOBSON) a star!

Although always a star to family and friends, especially because of his intelligence, wisdom, sense of humor (I could continue for hours)… literally, Irving Jacobson is now a bonifide star!

Just go online to http://www.wftv.com/videos/news/raw-103-year-old-talks-to-wftv/v5TyJ/

You will see a photo of Irving just like the one in this column (see photo), and click on it. This one is on the WFTV Channel Nine website. (Channel Nine is an ABC affiliate.)

According to Irving’s daughter, JOY WINTER, Channel Nine came to the house to interview Irving, who now represents “Save A Senior,” a system that is based on motion detection. The company asked Irving to be their spokesperson.

The video, starring Irving, explains all about “Save A Senior’s” benefits to seniors. The fact that Irving is a very senior “senior” at age 103, makes him even more knowledgeable in my book. (He’s also a great joke teller!)

Joy added that WKMG, Channel Six, (a CBS affiliate) was there a day earlier for an interview.

More than our local area will be able to view the video!

(Can I have your autograph, Irving?)

From 103 to 18…

Mazel tov to ZACHARY RYAN LEVINE,18, son of MICHAEL and STACEY LEVINE, on his recent graduation from high school.

Zachary graduated valedictorian (top of his class of 455 students) and has been accepted to Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., a world-renowned research university, one of the finest in the entire world and highly respected.

Zachary makes his parents, sister COURTNEY (who will be a bat mitzvah in November), and grandparents mighty proud of him…especially Grandma LINDA GOLUB SCHLESINGER, who was, as she always likes to say, “Proud as a peacock.” She even wore a peacock covered blouse to Zachary’s graduation. Now that’s proud!

(Incidentally, Zachary has had the lead in many musical shows. He is a triple-threat… a singer, dancer and actor.)

Sundays are special…

The Jewish Federation asks “How’s the summer going? Hopefully, your season’s schedule has been stuffed with sunshine, togetherness and P.J. Library books.”

(What sunshine? Nothing but rain and storms here as I write this column in advance. Maybe it turned sunny by the time it’s published.)

Anyway, mark Sunday, July 14th down on your calendar. The JCC in Maitland will hold a South of the Border Fiesta. It is free for JCC members and $5 per person for non-members.

The event begins at 11:30 a.m. at 851 N. Maitland Ave., Maitland.

The J will supply lunch, music and themed swim games for your family and friends.

Come and enjoy the beautiful pool area.

If you plan to attend, RSVP by the preceding Wednesday. Phone 407-645-5933 for details.

You’ve heard of “Angie’s List”…

Well if you haven’t you should have.

We’ve had only the best service since we’ve used Angie’s List service. And we’ve met the nicest people.

For instance, BRIAN McNEILL, of Jeff’s Kitchen, Bath and Beyond, a plumbing service, sent Brian over to our home recently to fix a shower problem. Not only did he do perfect work… he was the sweetest, kindest nicest guy ever. (I mean ever!)

One for the road…

Moishe was in the hospital recovering from an operation when a nun walked into his room.

She said she was there to cheer up the sick.

They started talking and she soon asked about his life.

Moishe told her about his wife, Freda, and his 11 children.

“Well, well” the nun says, “11 children, a good and proper Catholic family. I’m sure that the Lord is very, very proud of you.”

“I’m sorry,” says Moishe, “I’m not Catholic, I’m Jewish.”

“Jewish!” she screams, “You’re a sex maniac.”


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