Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Bat Mitzvah - Erin Alexa Yoffee

Erin Alexa Yoffee, daughter of Randi and David Yoffee of Altamonte Springs, will be called to the Torah as a bat mitzvah on January 10, 2015, at Congregation Beth Am in Longwood.

Erin is in the seventh grade at Teague Middle School where she is a member of Advanced Chorus and the National Honor Society. Her hobbies and interests include acting, photography, fashion, traveling, socializing with friends, and pop, rock and Indie music.

Erin spearheaded a toy drive for cancer patients at Nemours Children's Hospital for her mitzvah project.

Sharing in the family's simcha will be Erin's grandfather, Dr. Harry Yoffee as well as aunts, uncles and cousins from near and far. Smiling down on Erin with great pride from heaven are her grandparents, Addie and Ed Retchin, and Bobbi Yoffee.


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