Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

ACTION ALERT: Let Congress hear from you

Here are ways to voice your opinions about the Iran nuclear deal provided by The Israel Project, StandWithUs and Zionistas AIPAC Action Alert.

After 20 months of negotiations the United States and its negotiating partners announced a nuclear agreement with Iran. Throughout the negotiations, AIPAC outlined five critical criteria for a good deal. Unfortunately, the proposed agreement is fundamentally flawed in each of these vital areas.

The Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 established a procedure for congressional review of any nuclear agreement with Iran. Congress must now oppose this deal, which would leave Iran as a nuclear threshold state, thereby jeopardizing U.S. interests and posing an existential threat to Israel and other American allies.

The Israel Project is also encouraging Americans to fight back. Congress is the last barrier protecting America and our allies from this bad deal that gives Iran the bomb.

Points The Israel Project makes include:

• Iran gets to keep researching centrifuges that could be used to make the materials for nuclear bombs.

• Iran gets to keep all of its nuclear sites.

• Iran gets $150 billion—money it can use to keep funding terrorists across the world.

• Iran gets to be involved in choosing when and where nuclear inspectors are allowed to go.

• Iran gets to block inspections for weeks at a time. There are no anytime/anywhere inspections.

• Iran gets to build, import, and export ICBMS (intercontinental ballistic missile) it could use to attack America.

• Iran gets to buy conventional weapons on the open market again.

Therefore, please take the time to urge members of Congress to oppose the nuclear agreement with Iran.

You can call 202-225-3121 to reach Senate and House members through the Capitol switchboard or email your members of Congress.

If you do not know who your members are, go to http://www.contactyourcongressman.org and click on Florida on the map of the U.S., the list of our two senators (Bill Nelson, (D) and Marco Rubio (R)) as well as all of the representatives are listed with websites and phone numbers.

If you want more information or have questions, you can email grassroots@aipac.org

A brief phone script: “I am calling to urge the senator/representative to oppose the Iran nuclear deal because it will not block Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.”

StandWithUs posted on its Facebook 19 key senators to call and tell them to vote against the Iran Deal. They are:

Chuck Schumer, NY, 202-224-6542

Richard Blumenthal, CT., 202-224-2823

Ron Wyden, OR, 202-224-5244

Brian Schatz, HI, 202-224-3934

Michale Bennet, CO., 202-224-5852

Kirsten Gillibrand, NY, 202-224-4451

Robert Menendez, NJ, 202-224-4744

Heidi Heitkamp, ND, 202-224-2043

Dick Durbin, IL, 202-224-2152

Tim Kaine, VA, 202-224-4024

Claire McCaskill, MO, 202-224-6154

Jon Tester, MT, 202-224-2644

Bill Nelson, FL, 202-224-5274

Joe Manchin, WV, 202-224-3954

Joe Donnelly, IN, 202-224-4814

Chris Coons, DE, 202-224-5042

Ben Cardin, MD, 202-224-4524

Robert Casey, PA, 202-224-6324

Al Franken, MN, 202-224-5641

Urge Congress to stop Iran from going nuclear.


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