Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

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I have a dear friend...

Because a dear family friend of mine (who will remain nameless), is facing chemotherapy due to a positive diagnosis of breast cancer, I found this letter I recently received from JOAN COLEN to be extremely interesting. (Incidentally, my friend lives in Winter Park.)

And the fact that it praises the great accomplishments of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, makes it a subject I choose to write about. Here is Joan's letter in part:

"I am a two-time cancer survivor. My first battle was in my 30s, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. As genetics would have it, cancer runs in my family. My paternal grandmother and my father's sister both succumbed to breast cancer in their mid-thirties and early-forties.

When my mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, my two sisters and I decided to undergo genetic testing. It revealed that one of my sisters and I each carried the BRCAI gene.

The year before, the local Weizmann representative, knowing of my medical history and interest in breast cancer research, asked me to host an event for visiting Weizmann scientist, Prof. HADASSA DEGANI. Her research pioneered the development of Three Time Point (3TP), an MRI-based method for diagnosing cancer.

Unlike a mammography that uses X-ray technology, the patient is injected with a safe solution of a contrast material that circulates in the blood and appears on an MRI image in the tumor location. It can detect small tumors that are often missed by a mammography, vastly improving the odds of catching malignant tumors at their earliest and most curable stage.

Naturally, I was delighted to host Prof. Degani. My husband and I were eager to meet her and wanted to help foster greater awareness about Weizmann's fine work.

Hosting Prof. Degani turned out to be quite a fortuitous event. It was at this event that I was introduced to her 3TP MRI technology.

Just one year later, my sister and I enrolled in a clinical trial at Stanford University for this very same 3TP technology. Because of our strong family history with cancer and the presence of the BRCAI gene, we were considered high-risk for developing breast cancer. Results from the trial were alarming to say the least. I received my second breast cancer diagnosis and my sister was diagnosed for the first time. (imagine how I felt when the tumor that had gone undetected by mammography was detected by 3TP.)

Unrelated to my first diagnosis, the cancer was very aggressive. But because it was diagnosed at such an early stage, it was treated successfully.

Today, it thrills me to tell you that my sister and I recently celebrated our 10-year anniversaries of being cancer free!

(Oy vay. I just had a mammogram. Can I trust the result?)

An important reminder...

On Friday, Oct. 23rd, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society hosts its 24th Annual MS-PRO-AM Invitational Golf Tournament at Falcon's Fire Golf Club.

It promises to be a fun day of golf, lunch, awards presentations and other prizes... and all for a great cause!

For more information, times, directions and such, phone MARY HEALEY at 407-478-8882, extension 55128.

Please try not to miss this fabulous event!


There is a fairly new book out titled "Our Crime Was Being Jewish." The author is well-known for writing on many subjects. His name is ANTHONY PITCH.

"Unless we know about the Holocaust and tell others about it, it is bound to happen again." (This is a quote from someone in the know.)

The book is made up of Holocaust survivor's experiences with torture and other horrors. They who lived to tell the story first hand, must be listened to and believed.

(There are too many Holocaust deniers in the world today.)

The book is available everywhere and online at .

The opposite of Holocaust is KINDNESS...

"Would you like to become a better person? Enhance your relationships?

Make the world a better place? All while deepening your appreciation of Judaism?"

This is a direct quote from the Jewish Community Center, referring to a new program for adults titled The Kindness Project.

The quote continues:

"Jewish teachings offer a wealth of wisdom, inspiration and practical guidance towards living a meaningful life of love, respect and consideration for other people. Learn how they can be applied to your life."

These classes take place on Wednesday's from 7 to 8 p.m. for 12 weeks.

The cost is $10 per class to non-JCC members; free to members.

Phone the JCC at 407-645-5933 for more details.

Wonderful people...

This selection of wonderful people is absolutely NO SURPRISE to me. I know them and know just how wonderful and caring they are. "They" are SUSIE and MARK STONE.

During the High Holiday season, SUSIE STONE seldom goes a day without blowing the shofar. She makes an effort to play at as many Jewish Pavilion Rosh Hashanah events as possible.

Susie drives all over town with her shofar, bringing Jewish tradition to our elders in long-term care.

While she makes everyone proud, it is her mother-in-law, SYLVIA STONE, who enjoys the sounds of the shofar best of all.

Throughout the year, Susie and her husband, MARK STONE, make every effort to bring joy and compassion to seniors in many buildings, but they never miss monthly Shabbat and holiday services at the Westchester in Winter Park where Sylvia resides.

Last year, the Stones were honored at the Jewish Pavilion Gala for all that they do to enrich our Jewish community.

(I'm not surprised. Mark and Susie are wonderful people!)

Shout outs...

At a recent Multiple Sclerosis luncheon at Seasons 52 in Altamonte Springs, a waiter named MITCH, was so caring and attentive to those who attended, he deserves a shout out... actually, more than a shout out. A HUG!

(And he's cute too!)

One for the road...

I couldn't resist this joke as one of my sons is a psychologist:

Moshe was talking to his psychologist. "I had a weird dream recently," he said. "I saw my dear departed mother but then I noticed that she had your face. I found this so upsetting that I immediately awoke and couldn't get back to sleep. I just lay there thinking about it till the morning, got up, made myself a slice of toast and some coffee and came straight here to see you. Can you please help me explain the meaning of my dream?"

The psychologist kept silent for some time, then said "one slice of toast and coffee? You call that a breakfast?"

(Oy vay. A typical Jewish mother for sure!)


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