Beginning Monday, Feb. 12, The Roth Family JCC’s preschool entrance was permanently relocated to within the JCC, no longer allowing for direct access from the parking lot. The exterior facing preschool doors that open to the parking lot will become emergency exit only doors for the preschool.
The new preschool entrance is across from the sports and fitness hallway. It will be the only entrance and exit from the preschool. With nearly 300 children in the school, this will create additional foot (and stroller) traffic and possible logjams through our main entrance and lobby. This is a complication the staff purposefully chose to take on in order to create a safer JCC.
“We ask that everyone please be patient as we all get used to the new normal. Please remember to scan your JCC membership card even when there’s a line,” said Robby Etzkin, executive director.
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