Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Zionistas transition to new local ZOA

Nearly eight years ago, four women met and discussed what they could do to support Israel and how they could encourage others, whether Jewish or Christian, to join them. Thus, the organization "Zionistas" was born. The founders-Sandi Solomon, Eva Ritt, Judy Shujman, and Diana Scimone-had the foresight and dedication to grow the organization to over 250 people.

Recently the Zionistas board reached out to the Zionist Organization of America, one of the oldest pro-Israel organizations in the country, to find out if they could transform the Zionistas group into an active ZOA chapter.

The group is pleased to announce that because of the community's involvement these past eight years, they are able to continue pro-Israel efforts, activism, and education here in Central Florida through ZOA.

Helping with transitioning Zionistas into a ZOA group and continuing pro-Israel activities, are Dr. Daniel Layish of Orlando, Joe Davis of Orlando, and Sharona Whisler (swhisler@zoa.org), executive director of ZOA Florida (based in South Florida).

For more than 120 years, ZOA has been the preeminent, unapologetic advocate for a strong, independent, sovereign and safe Jewish homeland in Israel, with an undivided Jerusalem as its capital and with the right to protect its citizens.

The organization works to strengthen U.S.-Israel relations through various educational activities, as well as combating what it perceives as anti-Israel bias in the media, textbooks, travel guides, and on college campuses. They also sponsor educational and cultural programs in Israel.

ZOA lobbyists in Washington, DC, maintain strong ties to U.S. legislators and law makers, ensuring that Israel's interests are always considered and that the bond between The United States and Israel remains solid. For those who are interested in lobbying with ZOA this year, please register for ZOA's Lobbying Mission to Capitol Hill, using this link https://zoa.org/mission-events/zoa-mission-to-washington/washington-mission-2018/. They'd love to have a strong Central Florida representation!

ZOA's Center for Law and Justice is committed to securing the safety of all Jews, fearlessly tackling every form of anti-Semitism, on a college campus, in the media, or in your neighborhood. Learn more about ZOA's Center for Law and Justice here https://zoa.org/center-for-law-and-justice/ 

ZOA's Campus Division and ZOA's Fuel for Truth program for young professionals, is educating and empowering the next generation of Zionists, providing them with the knowledge and the skills necessary to ensure that our Zionist mission is eternal. Learn more about ZOA Campus here http://campus.zoa.org/ and ZOA's Fuel for Truth here http://www.fuelfortruth.org/

"The ZOA is a dynamic organization and we hope you will consider becoming a part of it," said David Moldau, Zionistas board member. "Please remember, today Israel needs us more than ever. ZOA member or not, we hope you will continue advocating for Israel, whether with us or with other organizations."

If you wish to become a member of this new ZOA chapter and receive emails about upcoming programs and initiatives, click on the link below or go to the website https://zoa.org/donate/florida/ for an application. The dues are $50 a year.

If you have questions, feel free to contact either Dr. Dan Layish at dlayishmd@gmail.com or Sharona Whisler, swhisler@zoa.org.


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