Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Seniors celebrate Passover with the Jewish Pavilion

Remembering is the essence of Passover: Each year on the holiday, we hold seders to retell the stirring story of the Jewish exodus from Egypt and passage from slavery to freedom. Not all of Orlando's Jewish seniors in living facilities are able to attend a family Seder, but many had the opportunity to recall the Passover story, sing its songs and experience the flavors of the festive meal at Jewish Pavilion seders and other Passover programs all over town this month.

For Jewish Pavilion staff and volunteers, Passover programs are a wonderful way to forge deep connections with Jewish seniors as they recall family observances from past decades and share treasured traditions. Many of the buildings the Pavilion visits have only a few Jewish residents, but Jewish Pavilion Passover programs are also attended with great interest by residents and staff of other faiths. These programs provide an ideal forum for Pavilion staff and volunteers to promote relationships of mutual understanding between Jewish and non-Jewish residents.

In addition, some of the Jewish seniors the Pavilion serves have family members who would not otherwise have the opportunity to celebrate Passover. These family members are welcomed at Jewish Pavilion Seders and are happy to be able to share the holiday with their loved ones.

The Passover programs are only one of the many ways the Jewish Pavilion fulfills its mission to connect eldercare community residents and their families with a caring Jewish community that provides life-enhancing resources and experiences. The Pavilion welcomes donations to help offset program expenses; visit JewishPavilion.org/donate to make a secure online donation or call the office at 407-678-9363.


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