Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

January 6 and the Jews

I am writing this on Jan. 6, 2022. It could not wait until my usual deadline date.

I was two years old in 1932. The only thing I knew about the burning down of the German Reichstag (their Parliament Building) was what I read and was taught in school. A group of disgruntled voters who had not won the election stormed Germany’s Capitol and burned down the Reichstag because their chosen leader, one Adolph Hitler had won only thirty two percent of the popular vote. They were told by the Nazi party and believed the vote had been rigged and that Hitler had won.

The net effect of that act was to in essence overthrow the government of a newly democratic nation. The duly elected government was replaced by what became Nazi Germany and resulted in WWII. And the Holocaust.

All this came roaring into my mind as I watched a mob attack the Capitol of the United States a year ago today. They were not a group of uniformed storm troopers. They were ordinary citizens who had been told by the man they followed as their leader that the election had been rigged. That the duly elected government of the United States was a lie.

The United States election of 2020 was the most regulated, protected, recounted election in U.S. history. Every recount, every study only confirmed the results. Every ridiculous attempt to make it come out differently has failed. Yet, over a year later there are “true believers” who feel that this election was stolen. Unfortunately, it falls pretty much along Party lines.

So, what does this all mean for the Jews?

Proud Boys. Boogaloo Boys; people like Kevin MacDonald, Richard Spencer and others who tout White Supremacy and hatred of Jews are raising money and plan to put forth candidates to run in a system in which they do not believe.

We are in a state of frustration as a nation. We are still facing a Pandemic that seemingly will not go away. We have kids who cannot go to school and then they can and then again they can’t. There is frustration.

This is something that the White Supremacists and Anti Semitic Organizations feast on. Gotta blame somebody. Too many Blacks voting – too many Jews controlling too much.

The former President has more followers than we can count, because many of them are still “underground”. Trump may be the focal point but this goes well beyond the former President. He has become the escape valve for the frustration, anger and dissatisfaction felt by so many in today’s confusing world.

The United States in the1930’s had Franklin Roosevelt, Britain had Winston Churchill. Germany had Adolph Hitler. We navigated a Depression and a terrifying World War. Germany collapsed under Hitler who led a nation down a road of destruction.

Our Jewish history is rife with the death and destruction of our People and our beliefs by dozens of pseudo-saviors who were able to focus blame for all the problems they were unable to solve and their own shortcomings on “Others”. We are getting too close to that happening here in the United States in the twenty first century.

As I look at this nation and at the World in general here in this twenty second year of the Century, I often say that I am glad I am 91 and not 31. But I have grandchildren. And this past year I was blessed with my first great granddaughter (Shipleys seem to have a problem turning out boys).

I worry about the world that I and the rest of my generation are leaving to them. A world where technology is taking over the economy, our education and our future. This is good news and bad news, simultaneously. Technology allows us so much freedom, so many decisions looking simpler that it can become as much a danger as a blessing.

The elections of 2022 are upon us. Will our fears and uncertainties allow us to elect future “Great Leaders” who will only lead us down a road to destruction?

Or will we come to our senses about the world and the nation in which we live. A nation built upon a principal not yet realized that “all men are created equal” and that if it is allowed to function, our system can work and we can leave our children, grandchildren and their progeny a better Nation, a better world and a better and safer future.

We have not come as far as we should have since Jan. 6 a year ago. We can do better.


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