Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

The Jewish people will survive no matter what

Dear Editor:

It is interesting, though nauseating, to read about the “spiritual leader” (Presbyterian) who hates Jews and Israel (accusing the Jewish State of slavery); Amnesty International who finds no country other than the Jewish State needing their concern; and the Anti-Defamation League who hires an outspoken antisemite for “outreach purposes.” The first two are well-funded and known enemies of the Jewish people. The third is an organization that merely tabulates anti-Jewish activities but initiates nothing that would significantly discourage the defamation of the Jewish people. Indeed, the only Jewish thing about the ADL is their funding.

All the foregoing aspire to various levels of sophistication, but their effect on antisemitism is as primitive as the activities of neo-Nazis and the followers of Farrakan.

In addition, we need to cope with J Street affiliates who, with unlimited funding, condemn Israel for defending itself from the terrorist murderers and encourage the economic challenges from the BDS conspirators.

Those of us who believe in divine justice know that Judaism is an essential element of real civilization, and that the Jewish State is the only hope for democracy in that part of the world. Despite the Holocaust mass murders and the organized promotion of causeless hate, we will survive and the human part of humanity will remain better off because of it.

David G. Danziger

Winter Park, Fla.


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