Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

JFS Orlando's Weekly Wellness Corner

Do you withhold emotions rather than express them? People often swallow their feelings because they fear others will not accept them if they are expressive. However, stifled emotions can have a negative influence on your well-being long-term. Acknowledge and constructively express your emotions when they occur, and your mental health can improve. If you don't want to talk about how you feel, try writing your thoughts in a journal. By bringing them out in the open you'll be in a better place to deal with them.

Don't hold back! Now is always a good time to care for your mental health. Call (407) 644-7671 or visit JFSorlando.org/counseling to request a counseling appointment with one of our specialized therapists. To learn more about JFS Orlando's FAMILY of services, visit JFSorlando.org or call 407-644-7593.


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