Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Christian Nationalism

Ya know, just when we think we have successfully dealt with antisemitism and the threat of the “Proud Boys” etc. here comes a new/old threat to the Jewish People: Christian Nationalism.

This theory, pushed by the far right organizations active in our political landscape today, states that America was founded as a Christian Nation and all other religions have no place in American life and/or American philosophy.

It states in the Declaration of Independence that the United States is “One Nation Under God.”

So, what does that mean? As Jews we believe in a Supreme Being. We call him/her “God.”

“One Nation” gets a little tricky. This nation was founded on the principles of “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness.” The founders who helped to write this significant document were a diverse group, some of whom were slave owners. So, as we can see, interpretation plays a part in the founding and success of the United States of America.

So, we solved the problem of slavery, although racial discrimination remains a real problem up to today. Jews were welcomed as a religious group by President George Washington himself. But beyond that …

When I went to school we stood and pledged allegiance to “The United States of America.” With all its caveats and warts, it was (and is) a unique experiment in governance.

The philosophy that the United States is a “Christian Nation” and that the expression of “One Nation – under God” is proof of that. HEY! Jews pray to the same God. We do it in the native language of our People: Hebrew and here: Also English, the language of the United States.

Christian Nationalism says there is no room for Judaism in the American way of life. Christian Nationalism is the belief that the United States is a “Christian Nation” and that the government of the United States of America should work to keep it that way.

Christian Nationalists say they do not want to change the basis of the “American Way,” but that Christianity – their form of it - should be the religion of the United States and that laws should be passed to qualify the Nation as a “Christian Nation.”

I don’t believe that is what the Founders had in mind when they stated “One Nation Under God” because they followed up with “Liberty and Justice for All.” We have always been a quasi-Christian country, mostly because our founders were all white, Christian men who worshipped in much the same manor.

These are the same men who decided that if you were black you were only 3/5ths of a human. Many of these men were slave holders. Some citizens of the time, including some Jews, were slave brokers and sellers.

This was a Christian culture that tolerated other beliefs, but never completely. The antisemitism in the early years of the United States exposed itself through laws, customs and attitude. Some of these customs, attitudes and even laws were similar to the racist laws of the nation and trickled down as far as local municipalities.

Therefore, many of the caveats of Christian Nationalism were part of our culture and even our laws.

Things change. Slowly. Slavery ended. Jews eventually were no longer faced with “quotas” to get into law schools, medical schools or completely screened out of living in certain neighborhoods.

All of this reform has gone against the basis for Christian Nationalism. Fine. Except it has not gone away. Christian Nationalism showed itself during the Trump administration. It was Christian Nationalism that took up arms against the United States of America on Jan. 6, 2021.

It was Christian Nationalism that Adolph Hitler used to promote his “Master Race.” Yes, things can get that bad – again.

They have television shows and even a news channel to disseminate their brand of religion and the politics that go with it. It took this nation a hundred years to get rid of slavery. It’s taken a lot longer to get rid of the fringe that uses media and pulpits and even public education to continue to put forth the sanctity of a white, “Christian Nationalism” for all to embrace.

It is the philosophy of White Superiority and need to control that has changed the voting structure in much of America — with focus on the South where the history made it easier to change voting laws and set the Nation back 60-some years.

Face something, dear reader: It is not going away. Christian Nationalism has put its imprint on the politics of the Nation, into its education system and now into its laws. The present makeup of the Supreme Court makes it ripe for such actions.

Change is needed. But then, change is needed in our approach to climate, pollution and a myriad of other problems. Is this not what Oliver Hardy meant when he would say to Stan Laurel: “A fine mess you’ve gotten us into now Stanley!” But, it will do for now.


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