Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Jewish Pavilion is stronger than ever

Kudos to the Jewish Pavilion management team - our board, staff, sponsors, supporters and volunteers. The Jewish Pavilion has been a pillar in the community for over 20 years, and we intend to remain an anchor for years to come. We are fiscally strong and secure, thanks to community-wide support. Despite the ongoing pandemic, the Jewish Pavilion was able to carry out most of its Shabbat and holiday festivities for our beloved seniors. All of our fundraising and friend-raising efforts were enormously successful. All six events had over 100 attendees. We are proud to report that 94 percent of the funds raised go directly back into programs, parties and holiday celebrations for Central Florida Seniors - not administrative services, not salaries, but directly to your family members and other loved ones right here at home!

Holiday gift bags this year were a big hit! We prepared and delivered bags to 450 Jewish seniors for Rosh Hashanah, Chanukah, Purim and Passover. Special thanks to The Harper family Foundation, The Pargh Family Foundation, the Gould Family and the Glassman-Gussman family for their financial assistance with the holiday gift bags. Thanks go out to numerous volunteers who stuffed and delivered the bags.

The phone has continued to ring off the hook for our Orlando Senior Help Desk. We are here to answer your questions and provide referrals and resources for family members and seniors. We are also here to listen and offer support. You can reach the Orlando Senior Help Desk at 407-678-9363 or visit http://www.OrlandoSeniorHelpDesk.org

The Jewish Pavilion office stayed open and the staff remained actively engaged with our elders throughout the pandemic. We have shown our strength during this crisis. The Jewish Pavilion will continue to provide for our beloved seniors – no matter what!

Wishing everyone a very happy and healthy New Year! May 5783 be a year for good health, peace and happiness.

Warmest Regards,

Elliott Davis, Board Chair

Nancy Ludin, CEO


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