Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

U.N. should force Hamas to surrender

Dear Editor:

The United Nations was formed with the idea, after defeat of the Nazi savages, that the peoples of the world would get together to stop or preferably prevent organized acts for mass murder anywhere in the world. This has not happened. Instead, that organization has repeatedly issued condemnation of the one country, whose people include many victims and survivors of the Nazi murderers, for sins that Israel never committed.

Now that Israel fights a defensive war that was forced upon it by the most inhuman group anywhere, the U.N. never formerly condemned Hamas, but cites the Jewish State for human rights violations for the collateral damage to the people of the Gaza Strip. It is clear that the army of the Jewish state has repeatedly acted to protect their lives even though that caused some troop casualties, and even though Hamas uses Arab citizens to protect themselves and to facilitate their evil purposes.

If the U.N. is truly concerned about the citizens of Gaza, they should do all they can to force the leaders of Hamas into unconditional surrender, which would immediately end this war.

As to the well-funded “academic” protests suggesting some basis for the October attack on Israel, suffice it to note that although Israel provided drinking water and electricity to the Gaza Strip, no Israeli or Jewish people inhabit any part of the Gaza Strip, nor was there any military occupation of any kind.

David G. Danziger

Lake Mary, Fla.


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