Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Heritage writer has a blog to appease her 'inner geek'

This March, Marilyn Shapiro will be celebrating a milestone in her writing career: the tenth anniversary of her blog, There Goes My Heart.

Wait! You don't know she has a blog? And if you knew, you have never typed www.theregoesmyheart.me into your browser? Well, you don't know what you have been missing!

In 2014, with only about 10 stories published in the Capital Region, New York's The Jewish World, Shapiro decided that she needed a blog as another way to share her stories and to appease her inner geek. After researching a few options, she chose WordPress, "a web content management systems that was user friendly for even newbies like me," she shared.

Along with home page and contact pages, Shapiro posted her first 10 blog posts. Leading the list was "There Goes My Heart," her very first article that was published in August 2013. Fittingly, Shapiro chose it as the name for her blog. She was in business!

When Shapiro and her husband, Larry, moved to Florida in 2015, with over 20 articles under her belt, she met with a neighbor who taught computer classes in the Shapiro's community. Working with her, Shapiro was able to add more bells and whistles, including a Home Page menu that provided access to her increasing list of articles. A "Follow" button encouraged readers to sign up to get my blog post delivered to their email accounts. 

By 2018, with two published books to her credit, she added a "Marilyn's Book" page. Along with a summary of her essay collections, it offered the user the ability to click directly onto the Amazon website, where one could purchase a Kindle or paperback version.

Shapiro now has four books listed: "There Goes My Heart" (2016), "Tikkun Olam: Stories of Repairing an Unkind World" (2018), "Fradel's Story" (August 2021), and "Keep Calm and Bake Challah: How I Survived the Pandemic, Politics, Pratfalls, and Other of Life's Problems" (2023). She even offers a preview of her fifth book, "Under the Shelter of Butterfly Wings: Stories of Jewish Sacrifice, Survival, and Strength." 

Many of Shapiro's articles are personal: her ancestors' lives in the shtetl before immigrating to America; her childhood in a small town in Upstate New York; meeting Larry at a Purim party, their years raising two children; their retirement years, their travels and their growing family. Some are humorous: Their love affair sealed in (a kidney) stone. Her daughter's not-so-welcoming attitude when Shapiro volunteered to chaperone her daughter's school trip. Receiving the moniker "Bubbe Butt Paste" after the birth of their first grandchild. And some are more profound: Larry and Marilyn's visit to a Holocaust memorial after the Pulse tragedy in Orlando; wintering through the pandemic; reflecting on the Israeli-Gaza war during the eight days of Chanukah. 

In 2017, Shapiro wrote an article about Harry Lowenstein, a Holocaust survivor (published in the Heritage, "A Holocaust survivor revisits his past," May 19, 2023).

"Its impact on me resulted in expanding my writing to include heartfelt stories about ordinary people with extraordinary stories to tell: other Holocaust survivors, righteous gentiles, Jewish immigrants, cancer survivors, and advocates for the less fortunate. The interviews and research necessary to write the articles have expanded my knowledge on many topics, which I have hopefully passed on to my readers," Shapiro said. 

Ten years later, Shapiro's blog continues to grow and flourish. She has approximately 220 articles, many with accompanying photos. She has 447 followers, a number that I hope will continue to grow. And thanks to hashtags such as #Jewishlife, #Holocaust, #Hanukkah, #neworleans, and even #pickleball, I get "Likes" from around the world. The page "Marilyn's published articles from around the world" now includes those from Orlando's Heritage Florida Jewish News, as well as websites as far away as Australia.

If you are a subscriber and are enjoying Shapiro's blog, she would love to hear from you. You can type a note in the "Comment" section at the end of the blog, and she will respond. Shapiro also encourages readers to share her posts and even her blog address with friends and family who may enjoy them.

"And for those of you who still haven't given my blog a try, take a look!" Shapiro added.

Shapiro's blog is at www.theregoesmyheart.me. Usually she posts every two weeks, so you will not be overwhelmed with emails from her. 

Who knew that one article in 2013 would lead to so much? For this writer and computer geek, Shapiro is having fun!


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