Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Articles written by Caroline B. Glick

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  • The truth is Israel's narrative

    Caroline B. Glick|Nov 24, 2023

    (JNS) — Paul Kessler went to a pro-Hamas demonstration in the Los Angeles area waving an Israeli flag to stand down the crowd gathered to support the genocide of Jews. A pro-Hamas demonstrator, who tracked the 69-year-old before he approached him, clubbed Kessler in the head with a megaphone. Kessler fell to the ground and died of cerebral bleeding. Forty-eight hours after Kessler was killed, his murderer was still free, even though the police know who he is. Ventura County Sheriff Jim Fryoff hadn’t arrested him because he couldn’t decid...

  • The Anti-Defamation League and Amnesty International

    Caroline B. Glick|Feb 11, 2022

    One of the more curious responses to Amnesty International’s Israel Apartheid report came from the Anti-Defamation League. In a press conference the heads of Amnesty held, they presented the main “findings” of the “investigation” they conducted regarding the status of Israel’s existence. It works out that after years of “careful study,” Amnesty’s entirely professional “researchers” determined that Israel has no right to exist. The Law of Return, which grants automatic citizenship to Jews after two thousand years of homeless wanderings, is a typ...

  • The great threat to America, and to American Jewry

    Caroline B. Glick|Jun 19, 2020

    (JNS) — Scattered among the thousands of cellphone videos depicting looting and destruction in the streets of America’s greatest cities are clips of a different sort. In these short videos, we see throngs of white people on their knees, bowing before black people and asking for forgiveness for their “white privilege” and the “structural racism” in the deplorable, irredeemable United States of America. Earlier this week, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden symbolically embraced these genuflectin...

  • Lob's hostile (but disarming) takeover

    Caroline B. Glick|May 8, 2020

    (JNS)—Apparently, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations is sensitive to criticism. Over the past week, it received enormous—and well-deserved—flak after it announced the decision of its nominating committee to select former HIAS chairman Dianne Lob to serve as the Conference’s next chairman. In what is largely viewed as a formality, the full Conference membership is expected to “elect” Lob formally on Tuesday. She will be running unopposed in an open election that will be held on a Zoom conference call. Confe...

  • Israel and Trump's war on the coronavirus

    Caroline B. Glick|Apr 24, 2020

    (JNS)—The presidency of Donald Trump has shaped coalition talks between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White Party chairman Benny Gantz. For weeks, the chief stumbling block holding up a unity government deal was Gantz’s attempt to delay or block Israeli implementation of Trump’s peace plan, which green lights the implementation of Israeli law over parts of Judea and Samaria. Gantz argued that there was no reason to rush ahead, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Israel should wait six months until the dange...

  • Political left fights Trump's fight against anti-Semitism

    Caroline B. Glick|Dec 27, 2019

    (JNS)—The past week clarified a lot of things about the state of the American Jewish community—and its antagonists. The two assailants who walked into the kosher supermarket in Jersey City on Tuesday and opened fire intentionally targeted Jews. The killers belonged to the black supremacist, virulently anti-Semitic “Black Hebrew Israelite” movement that claims its members are the true children of Israel and the Jews are satanic imposters. The shooting in Jersey City marked a predictable escalation of the anti-Semitic attacks being carried...

  • Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria are not illegal

    Caroline B. Glick|Nov 29, 2019

    Monday will long be remembered as a turning point in Middle East history. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s statement Monday that Israeli settlements are not illegal per se is the most significant shift in U.S. Middle East policy in the past generation. Jerusalem’s status as Israel’s capital has been a matter of U.S. law since 1996. There was little interest in Washington in recent years in pressuring Israel to withdraw from the Golan Heights. But the issue of the legality of Israeli settlements has been the defining issue of much of the i...

  • Trump did not betray the Kurds

    Caroline B. Glick|Oct 25, 2019

    The near consensus view of President Donald Trump’s decision to remove U.S. special forces from the Syrian border with Turkey is that Trump is enabling a Turkish invasion and double crossing the Syrian Kurds who have fought with the Americans for five years against ISIS. Trump’s move, the thinking goes, harms U.S. credibility and undermines U.S. power in the region and throughout the world. There are several problems with this narrative. The first is that it assumes that until this week, the US had power and influence in Syria when in fac...

  • American Jewry's days of reckoning

    Caroline B. Glick|Oct 11, 2019

    On Sept. 29, President Donald Trump set out his nationalist political philosophy in his address before the UN General Assembly. Arguing that the nation-state is the best guarantor of human freedom and liberty, Trump set up a contrast between “patriots” and “globalists.” “The future does not belong to globalists,” he said. “The future belongs to patriots. The future belongs to sovereign and independent nations who protect their citizens, respect their neighbors, and honor the differences that make each country special and unique.” Jewi...

  • Jewish support for the Democrats

    Caroline B. Glick|Aug 30, 2019

    President Trump took issue with continued American Jewish support for the Democrats after Tlaib and Omar gave a press conference libeling Israel in furtherance of their anti-Jewish, BDS agenda. For his actions, he is again being falsely defamed as an anti-Semite. American Jews who wish to deny leftist anti-Semitism, pretend that BDS is primarily directed against Israel. After all, if the likes of Omar, Tlaib, AOC and the rest only hate Israel, then they aren’t anti-Semitic. They just hate Israeli Jews. But the truth is that BDS in America is di...

  • American Jewry's false prophets

    Caroline B. Glick|Nov 16, 2018

    Just hours after the largest massacre of Jews in America in U.S. history, the Atlantic Monthly posted a piece by Franklin Foer. In his “Prayer for Squirrel Hill, and for American Jewry,” Foer wrote, “Any strategy for enhancing the security of American Jewry should involve shunning [President Donald] Trump’s Jewish enablers. Their money should be refused, their presence in synagogues not welcome. They have placed our community in danger.” That is, in the shadow of the blood-drenched synagogue, Foer declared war on his fellow Jews. Between a quar...

  • Jewish Federations, we need to talk

    Caroline B. Glick|Oct 19, 2018

    At the end of the month, the Jewish Federations of North America will hold their annual General Assembly in Israel. And while the Federations’ decision to hold their annual conference in Israel rather than America seems at face value to be a statement of solidarity with Israel, in this case, it isn’t. Five months after U.S. President Donald Trump moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv in an extraordinary act of friendship, the Jewish Federations of North America chose to hold their annual General Assembly in... Tel Aviv. The nam...

  • A glimpse of Europe's true face

    Caroline B. Glick|Aug 3, 2018

    Due to an unusual conflation of events, over the past two weeks we’ve caught a rare glimpse of the face of European foreign policy. We shouldn’t let it pass unremarked. Last Friday, the European Union’s foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini presided over a curious summit in Vienna. In the same hall where she and her colleagues concluded the nuclear deal with Iran three years ago, Mogherini and her comrades tried to concoct ways to save the deal by undermining American power and defying its decision to abandon the deal. Mogherini was joine...

  • Who is betraying America?

    Caroline B. Glick|Jul 27, 2018

    Did US President Donald Trump commit treason in Helsinki when he met Monday with Russian President Vladimir Putin? Should he be impeached? That is what his opponents claim. Former president Barack Obama’s CIA director John Brennan accused Trump of treason outright. Brennan tweeted, “Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki [with Putin] rises to and exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors.’ It was nothing short of treasonous.” Fellow senior Obama administration officials, including former FBI director James Comey...

  • Heeding Democratic warnings

    Caroline B. Glick|Jun 8, 2018

    Every day Israel is subjected to a torrent of warnings from Democrats. “You will pay a price for your support of President Donald Trump,” we are told. “He won’t be president forever, and when he’s gone, watch out!” The basic notion, repeated over and over again is clear enough. If Israel doesn’t want to be punished by the next Democratic White House, which we are warned will make us long for Barack Obama, we’d better stop talking about the fact that Trump is the best ally and friend Israel has ever had in the White House. These warnings are no...

  • Senator Menendez and the Pollard effect

    Caroline B. Glick|Mar 10, 2017

    Speaking to his ministers on Sunday about his visit to Washington, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu heralded a new era in U.S.-Israel relations. To a degree, he was correct. When U.S. President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump greeted Netanyahu and his wife Sara as they alighted from their car at the southern entrance to the White House, Trump demonstrated that the eight years of hostile treatment Israel suffered at the hands of his predecessor Barack Obama were no more. But unfortunately, Obama wasn’t the only thing that was wrong wi...

  • Reality check: Obama's new Middle East

    Caroline B. Glick|Oct 14, 2016

    A new Syria is emerging. And with it, a new Middle East and world are presenting themselves. Our new world is not a peaceful or stable one. It is a harsh place. The new Syria is being born in the rubble of Aleppo. The eastern side of the city, which has been under the control of US-supported rebel groups since 2012, is being bombed into the Stone Age by Russian and Syrian aircraft. All avenues of escape have been blocked. A UN aid convoy was bombed in violation of a fantasy cease-fire. Medical facilities and personnel are being targeted by Russ...