Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Articles written by Fiamma Nirenstein

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 19 of 19

  • The Israeli Air Force strikes

    Fiamma Nirenstein|Sep 6, 2024

    (JNS) — Where is the Air Force? This was the tragic question that did not have to be repeated yesterday. Those like this reporter who remember Oct. 7 minute by minute cannot forget how, from the moment of the opening missile barrage, everyone’s eyes fixed desperately on the sky, looking for the Israeli fighter planes. We expected them to finally flush out the terrorists, destroy the missile launchers, bomb the hundreds of invaders in the south and then those in Gaza, and cover the army’s retaliation. It didn’t happen. The desolation of the sil...

  • Earn the right to say 'never again'

    Fiamma Nirenstein|Feb 16, 2024

    (JNS) — International Holocaust Remembrance Day has perhaps never been more difficult to observe. It should be a day to contemplate the antisemitism that murdered six million Jews. It should be a moment to reject viewing history through an opaque glass. It is a moment when we must embrace the moral clarity that prevent us from repeating the atrocities of the past. Instead, we are faced with a world that refuses to learn. Since Oct. 7, antisemitism has exploded despite the images of the atrocities that are now seared into our memories: The c...

  • Israel's soldiers vow 'never again'

    Fiamma Nirenstein|Dec 1, 2023

    (JNS) — The seaside Zikim base in southern Israel borders one of the kibbutzim destroyed by Hamas during the Oct. 7 massacre. Tanks, armored vehicles and excavation equipment that unearths terror tunnels roar past, heading for the Gaza Strip. Intense looking boys in uniform go to and fro in apparent chaos. But it is not chaos, it is Israel’s ongoing series of military operations against Hamas. The paratroopers we meet are finally having a drink. Yesterday, they managed to eat and take a shower after nine days in the Strip, during which the...

  • After the Black Sabbath, the light will return

    Fiamma Nirenstein|Nov 17, 2023

    (JNS) — A month ago, all the sirens in Israel were not enough to warn of the descent of Hamas barbarians on the communities of Israel’s southern border. Now, fog has enveloped the future of the entire world, and only one certainty remains: We are disoriented, in shock. We now realize that there are many essential things we do not know: We do not know if there is a limit to human cruelty, after having witnessed live, through the cameras of the terrorists themselves, the atrocities committed against children in front of their mothers, against mot...

  • Today's uprising of Muslim women could change the world

    Fiamma Nirenstein|Jan 6, 2023

    (JNS) — On the front pages of newspapers around the world, we are now privileged to witness the extraordinary strength of women oppressed by fanatical forms of Islam. In Iran, these women are emerging as our heroes. Young and old, they are willing to expose themselves to imprisonment, violence and potential death in order to achieve liberation. In Iran, they are leading the charge for regime change and thus the end of one of the evilest dictatorships of this century. There is no sign that these women are slowing down. Yesterday, Vida M...

  • Hatred of Israel drags us back to the Middle Ages

    Fiamma Nirenstein|Nov 11, 2022

    (JNS) — It was a bad joke that flyers used to announce an anti-Israel conference entitled “Jerusalem Is Ours”—featuring Italian Senator Tino Magni—included photos of various Palestinian activists, some of whom are tied to the terrorist group Hamas. Other left-wing Italian politicos were featured, as well as Mohammad Hannoun, a staunch friend of Hamas, who not only organized the conference, but has been hosted in the Italian Chamber of Deputies by some of those same leftist politicians. All involved in the conference, of course, are convinced...

  • The silence that screams

    Fiamma Nirenstein|Oct 21, 2022

    (JNS) — Sunday, Oct. 9, 2022 was the 40th anniversary of the 1982 Palestinian terror attack on the Great Synagogue of Rome, in which a two-year-old child, Stefano Tache, was killed and 37 others wounded. Stefano’s brother Gadiel, also wounded in the attack, has just published his memoir, “The Shouting Silence,” in which he deals with the Italian government’s complicity with the terrorists. The whole of Italy must thank Gadiel for his strength and determination, and for telling the story of his suffering and that of his whole family, especially...

  • Double-edged antisemitism

    Fiamma Nirenstein|Dec 24, 2021

    B(JNS) — The Oct. 9, 1982, Palestinian terrorist attack on the Great Synagogue of Rome, in which two-year-old Stefano Gaj Tachè was killed, and the blood of 37 others who were wounded flowed on the stones of the building that should have been the safest refuge for Jews in the Italian capital, was a double slap in the face — not only by the murderers, but by those who didn’t lift a finger to defend their victims. According to a front-page story in the left-leaning Italian daily, Il Riformista, Italian authorities had been warned that an attack...

  • A terrorist organization by any other name

    Fiamma Nirenstein|Nov 5, 2021

    (JNS) — Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz has designated six major Palestinian NGOs as terrorist organizations. This means that their bank trades and the movements of their leaders and affiliates are now monitored and barred from operating in the country. The evidence supporting Gantz’s move is astounding. The organizations in question — Addameer, al-Haq, Defense for Children Palestine, the Union of Agricultural Work Committees, Bisan Center for Research and Development, and the Union of Palestinian Women Committees — serve as the civilia...

  • Tell us, Europe, what should Israel do?

    Fiamma Nirenstein|May 28, 2021

    (JNS) — So tell me, what should Israel do? You, who march through the streets of Italy, the U.K. or Germany with Palestinian flags and shout slogans accusing Israel of crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing, as well as being an apartheid state. You, who defend Hamas in Paris, Berlin, London and Rome, hurling countless accusations against Israel on social media, including demented conspiracy theories that suggest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the diabolical Prince of Evil, started the current war — in agreement with Hamas — i...

  • Is war with Iran imminent?

    Fiamma Nirenstein|Jan 15, 2021

    (JNS) — The traditional New Year’s Eve party at the Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, took place without U.S. President Donald Trump. Faithful to his typical D’Artagnan style, Trump abandoned his friends and returned to Washington, D.C. a day earlier than expected. No one knows why, but rumors have been spreading about grandiose moves and controversial gestures he intends to make before Biden takes the reigns. The chatter among members of the international village centers on a possible war with Iran. Today, Jan. 3, is the one-year anniv...

  • Europe needs to wake up and start fighting

    Fiamma Nirenstein|Nov 15, 2019

    (JNS)—Roman landmark Caffè Greco, which opened on the Via dei Condotti in 1760, is in crisis. It has to be sold, and there is talk of Jewish buyers. To readers not living in or familiar with Rome this may not seem like a particularly interesting story—but then came a Facebook post expressing concern that the cafe would end up in the hands of “Zionists.” Responding to the post, the Italian branch of the BDS movement promised that if Zionists bought the cafe, they would lead a boycott campaign against it. At which the cafe’s current owners chi...

  • Al-Baghdadi's miserable end evokes no pity

    Fiamma Nirenstein|Nov 8, 2019

    (JNS)—At the moment of his demise, what passes through the mind of a terrorist who literally views himself as king of the world? “He died like a dog,” said U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday, referring to the death of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in northern Syria at the hands of U.S. forces. His statement was tough and simple, and drew a clear line between human beings and terrorist murderers. In his announcement of al-Baghdadi’s death, Trump described the ISIS mastermind as neither a leader nor a man, but as a thug and a c...

  • When the dust settles in Syria...

    Fiamma Nirenstein|Nov 1, 2019

    (JNS)—To speak about Kurds has suddenly become a cry in favor of human rights and self-determination by the Western press, and rightly so: The assault they are suffering is lethal and may become genocidal. More frightening is that it is being perpetrated by the Turks, who are already stained by the Armenian genocide and are led by a leader who considers himself an almighty sultan. And it’s really odd that Europe is only now discovering who he really is. How can this be? Didn’t Europe know that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during these...

  • Anti-LGBT discrimination is now official PA policy

    Fiamma Nirenstein|Sep 6, 2019

    By Fiamma Nirenstein (JNS)—After Palestinian LGBT organization al-Qaws announced that it had held a gathering in the West Bank city of Nablus earlier this month to discuss gender pluralism in the city, the group was banned by the Palestinian Authority. The P.A. said the group’s activities were “contrary to the values of Palestinian society” and threatened to arrest its members. Not content with that, the P.A. proceeded to ban all activities designed to promote LGBT rights in its territory. Anti-gay prejudice is nothing new in the region....

  • The disease of anti-Semitism infects everyone

    Fiamma Nirenstein|Nov 9, 2018

    (JNS)—It was a gray and drizzly day in Pittsburgh, in what is usually a beautiful place, green and fresh, when a synagogue was hit at 9:45 a.m. on Saturday, becoming yet another target of that inexhaustible strain that is homicidal anti-Semitism—one of history’s most flourishing plants. As the alleged gunman Robert Bower opened fire on Jews who were participating in Shabbat-morning services on Saturday morning, he screamed, “All Jews must die.” He was, it seems, a “lone wolf,” and they are attributing the gesture by this monster that shot upo...

  • Italy follows US lead in ridding itself of UN madness

    Fiamma Nirenstein|Oct 5, 2018

    (JNS)—I feel a certain perverse pleasure in the fact that Italy is getting a taste of the United Nation’s complete brazenness and double standards now that it has announced that it will send investigators (not “peacekeepers”) in order to ascertain to what extent Italy is failing to uphold human rights. Now perhaps Italy will begin a process of re-evaluating its relationship with the world body, and stop voting or abstaining in order to please the automatic majority that solely condemns Israel. As when, on Dec. 23, 2016, former U.S. Preside...

  • Hamas is using human matchsticks to fuel the fire

    Fiamma Nirenstein|Apr 13, 2018

    (JNS)—The risk of the “March of Return,” organized by Hamas last Friday, is that of a new kind of mass terrorism, a new kind of war. The whole world knows that this organization’s foremost aim, together with the death of the Jews and the conquest of the West, is a strategic turn taking place with these mass marches. It’s a terrorist spark in the haystack of the Middle East. Yet the United Nations again blames Israel by engaging in its favorite sport—blaming Israel, even if it was unable to pass a condemnation this time. U.N. Secretary-G...

  • Poland 'suspends' the Holocaust law/lie

    Fiamma Nirenstein|Mar 16, 2018

    (JNS)—It’s a very good thing that Poland took a step backwards against a decision that not only absolved it of guilt, but also made it a liar. It gave in to common sentiment, which populism tends to do. Wisely, the government decided not to implement a law that could lead to a fine and up to three years in prison for anyone who refers to Nazi extermination camps on its territory during World War II as “Polish death camps” or accuses Polish citizens of being complicit in the extermination of the Jews. Poland’s President Andrzej Duda signed th...