The 2016-17 year for Temple Israel Sisterhood will commence with a membership tea held on Sunday, Aug. 28, from 4 p.m.-6 p.m. in a private home. It will be an afternoon of socializing with old and new friends, enjoying "tea time" desserts and, of course, taking advantage of the excellent program to be presented by Penny Polokoff, author of "Conversations With My Daughter," which has been arranged by Michelle Bilsky and Regina Buchanan, co-programming vice presidents.
Polokoff, a resident of South Florida, is among the most talented of new writers on the Independent Publishing circuit today. A graduate of Queens College of the City University of N.Y., her series, "Conversations Worth Having," explores relationship dynamics, self-love and intimacy and expresses the unique individual power of tikun olam, the healing of the world both within and outside of ourselves. In "Conversations With My Daughter" she reflects on her conversations, interactions, and experiences with her daughter to gain insight and heal from the past. This book will be available for purchase at the event.
In addition, Temple Israel will use this occasion to officially kick off Sisterhood's Book Club group for this year which is being organized by Ellen Calish and Penelope Neely, co-education vice presidents. It will be an opportunity to sign up as a participant, give input regarding this year's reading material, and assist in setting up the 2016-17 book club calendar.
Mollie Savage, membership vice president has said, "All women, both members and nonmembers of Temple Israel Sisterhood, are cordially invited to attend this annual opening event by calling the Temple Israel office to RSVP (407-647-3055). Our sense of camaraderie is very special, indeed. Please join us."
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