Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Back on stage with a humorous theatrical show

Who thought the topic of the Dead Sea Scrolls could be so entertaining? Natural story-teller Kenneth Hanson, Ph.D., as done just that. In addition to being an associate professor of Judaic Studies at the University of Central Florida, he is a brilliant actor who brings to life academic topics such as archeology finds in Israel and the Dead Sea Scrolls through his characters known as Jerusalem Jones and Menachem the Essene, also known as the 2,001-year-old man.

He shares insights, mixed with a lot of one-liners, to make learning about the Dead Sea Scrolls fun.

Jerusalem Jones, a take on the famous Indiana Jones (and he pulls it off very well), takes viewers all over Israel on archeological digs at Masada, Qumran, and Beit Shean, to name a few places; and historical figures such as Herod, Solomon and David in his podcasts and live shows.

Recently, Hanson performed "The 2,001 Year Old Man: Hidden Wisdom from the Dead Sea Scrolls" at the Shalom Club at Solivita before a standing-room only crowd.

"In 'The 2,001 Year Old Man' a 'space-time warp' has transported a hapless member of the ancient Judean sect known as the Essenes (Menachem by name) into the 21st century," said Hanson. "While trying to find his way back to the past, he has been co-opted into disseminating a series of 'Desert Disciplines' straight from the Dead Sea Scrolls for ordering and maximizing life to its fullest potential."

The Shalom Club audience loved the performance. The event organizer, Richard Goldstein, sent Hanson some of the responses. One attendee said, "I especially love your accents and humor. Your students are very lucky to have you as their professor!"

Another said, "I love that you combine your skull caps as educator, entertainer, historian, theologian, and philosopher. You used the Torah technique of repetition in such a unique way. I 'kvell' from you."

Watch the video "teaser": http://youtu.be/Dy9coPIQos8

For more information about Hanson's performances, please contact Ken Hanson at melumad@me.com.


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