Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

JFS Orlando's Weekly Wellness Corner

Have you explored your bigger picture? Take a moment to do some personal self-care. Is there something you'd like to do soon or something to accomplish long-term? Identify those goals and take stock of where you are and if you're on track to meet them. Invest in yourself by learning a new skill or picking up a different hobby - something you can do now like volunteering for a favorite charity, or something that will take some time like learning a new language. Personal self-care can help you feel you have purpose in the world.

It's never too late (or early) to start! We can help. Our licensed counselors are available to help you build out a wellness plan with your goals and other healthy habits in mind. Call 407-644-7671 or visit JFSorlando.org/counseling to request a counseling appointment. To learn more about JFS Orlando's FAMILY of services, visit JFSorlando.org or call 407-644-7593.


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