Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Articles from the May 3, 2024 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 40

  • Never again would humanity let this happen?

    Andrew Galitzer, First Person|May 3, 2024

    (JNS) - The United Nations established Jan. 27 as Holocaust Remembrance Day to mark the day in 1945 when Auschwitz was liberated. The German Nazis built Auschwitz and thousands of other concentration and death camps to imprison and kill more than 6 million Jews. Humanity pledged "Never Again." Never again would people be killed for their race or religion. Never again would humanity let this happen. Instead of a relaxing winter break this year, 13 students from Drexel University in Philadelphia...

  • Israel's military intelligence chief resigns, taking responsibility for Oct. 7 failures

    Ron Kampeas|May 3, 2024

    (JTA) - Israel's military intelligence chief, Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva, resigned, saying he assumed responsibility for the intelligence failures that failed to prevent the Oct. 7 Hamas invasion that launched the current war. The resignation letter Haliva sent Monday to the Israeli military chief of staff, Lt. Herzi Halevi, is unusual in that he assumed responsibility for the failures even before the launch of a state inquiry into the missteps that left Israel unprepared for the attack. "The intel...

  • UF takes stand against protests

    May 3, 2024

    The University of Florida has provided a list of “dos and don’ts” for on-campus protest activities. There are consequences for non-compliance. What is allowed: Speech, expressing viewpoints, holding signs in hands. What is not allowed: No amplified sound, no demonstrations inside buildings, no littering, no sleeping, no unmanned signs, no blocking ingress.egress, no building of structures (chairs, stakes, benches, tables), no camping (including tents, sleeping bags, pillows, etc.), no distruption, no threats, no violence, no weapons, any other...

  • Israeli hostages on video

    May 3, 2024

    (JNS) — On Saturday, Hamas released a video of two hostages—Omri Miran, 46, and Keith Siegel, 64. While the edited, three-minute-long video is undated, Miran says in it that he has been held captive for 202 days and Siegel mentions the Passover holiday, indicating that the video was filmed recently. The two men identify themselves, speak directly to their families and express their hopes for a deal to release the rest of the hostages. Siegel, a dual Israeli and U.S. citizen, was kidnapped alo...

  • Remembering the Holocaust and those who survived

    Marilyn Shapiro|May 3, 2024

    Ludwig"Lou" Ziemba is a retired successful businessman, a descendent of "Jewish royalty'" and a Holocaust survivor. Lou's story begins in Poland. Rabbi Menachem Ziemba, was the chief rabbi of Warsaw, a renowned holy figure in the Ger sect of the Chassidic movement, and a key player in the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising through his pleas that urged inhabitants to fight against their captors. One of Rabbi Ziemba's nephews was Henoch, son of his brother Moshe. Henoch was a bit of a non-conformist...

  • Camp J General Camp offers swimming and water play

    May 3, 2024

    Camp J General Camp offers a fun way to beat the heat this summer. The General Camp offers a water option as an add feature. Children will go to the beautiful Rosen Aquatic Center. They will have have swim sessions tailored to their skill level along with personalized instruction. The facility has certified instructors and lifeguards on duty. At the end, the children will receive a Certificate of Completion. The Water Play options are themed to make each week unique. Choose from Pirate Week, Shark Week, Hawaiian Luau Week, Flamingo Week and...

  • ICC may issue arrest warrant for Netanyahu, Gallant

    May 3, 2024

    (JNS) — Jerusalem believes that the International Criminal Court in The Hague will issue arrest warrants against senior officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Diplomatic efforts to thwart ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Ahmad Khan’s move have failed, Israel’s Channel 12 News reported. International arrest warrants are expected to be filed against Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, according the the report. The broadcaster said the warrants would likely be issued against the backg...

  • Israeli FM: Rafah op to be suspended if hostage deal secured

    Joshua Marks|May 3, 2024

    (JNS) — Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz said on Saturday that an imminent military operation in Rafah would be suspended if a hostage release deal is secured, calling it the top priority to free the remaining abductees taken by Hamas on Oct. 7. “The release of the hostages is the top priority for us,” the member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Security Cabinet told Channel 12, adding that “if there will be a deal, we will suspend the operation” in the last Hamas bastion in southernmost Gaza. Katz is not a member of the War Cabin...

  • Senate passes foreign aid package including billions for Israel

    JNS|May 3, 2024

    The U.S. Senate passed a $95 billion foreign aid package late Tuesday that includes $26 billion in wartime assistance for Israel and $9 billion in humanitarian aid, some of which will be allotted for the Gaza Strip. The bill passed the Senate on an overwhelming 79-18 vote after the House had approved the package Saturday, sending the legislation to President Joe Biden’s desk after months of delays. U.S. officials told AP that about $1 billion of the aid could be on its way shortly, with the bulk following in the coming weeks. “Tonight, a bip...

  • Brandeis extends transfer deadline, appealing to Jewish students distressed by campus anti-Israel unrest

    Philissa Cramer|May 3, 2024

    (JTA) — Brandeis University, the historically Jewish school outside Boston, has extended its transfer application deadline in a bid to appeal to students who are unhappy with their own schools’ responses to campus anti-Israel protests. The university announced the decision on Monday, as encampment protests spread from Columbia University to campuses across the United States. The protests, which take aim at the schools’ ties to Israel, are spurred by the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza and have in some places included rhetoric that veers into antis...

  • Campus Jew-haters should own their antisemitism

    Mitchel Bard|May 3, 2024

    (JNS) — Faculty and students are proudly protesting Israel’s existence and praising Hamas for the slaughter of Jews. Not satisfied, they call for an intifada, and the erasure of Israel and its population from the Middle East. Some of the protesters cannot identify the river or sea they want to be “free” but chime in with other virtue signalers. Individually, they may not all be antisemites, but their views are antisemitic. Note to antisemites: Stop complaining that even as you block roads, occupy buildings, hold rallies, propagandize in clas...

  • Arabs of Gaza are collaborators; not innocent civilions

    Mel Pearlman, Everywhere|May 3, 2024

    The great universities are now paying the price for allowing woke professors to indoctrinate their students with idealogical and political dogma instead of offering them a critical thinking and intellectually honest education. The result is a vulnerable and naive student body on many of America’s prestigious colleges and universities, egged on by radical outsiders supported by questionably legal funding sources, violently protesting the war against the Arabs in Gaza, and endorsing the delegitimization of the Jewish State. The attempted t...

  • Deport the Hamas occupation of the Ivy League

    Daniel Greenfield|May 3, 2024

    (JNS) — Hamas is a sanctioned Islamic terrorist organization. It’s illegal to provide aid to it. And for non-citizens, especially foreign students on visas, supporting terrorists is a deportable offense. And yet after six months of pro-Hamas rallies on college campuses and in major cities, not a single foreign student appears to have been deported. The latest Hamas occupations at Yale and Columbia have stopped even pretending to be anything other than outright support for an illegal terrorist group and its ongoing murder of Jews. Jewish stu...

  • Abbas may throw a tantrum, but it's not time for a Palestinian state

    Stephen M. Flatow|May 3, 2024

    (JNS) — There he was, the Palestinian Authority’s Mahmoud Abbas, lying on the floor kicking his feet in anger over the U.S. veto of a resolution for Palestinian statehood at the U.N. Security Council. Of course, I am exaggerating about the 88-year-old on the floor, but his reaction to the American veto was not too far from a 2-year-old’s tantrum. Notwithstanding that the Biden administration pressed Abbas not to go ahead with the bid for statehood, the administration’s veto must have come as somewhat of a shock to the Plestinians because...

  • Our misunderstanding of freedom emboldens authoritarian regimes

    Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt|May 3, 2024

    (JNS) — I recently had the freedom to rush to my bomb shelter as Iranian drones and missiles targeted Israel. As Israel’s defense systems and help from its allies protected me and millions of others, I was especially thankful for the past two years of refuge I have found in the Jewish state. After refusing to support Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, I fled Moscow. The awareness that I am free while others are not grows more intense around Passover, the holiday of freedom. But this year, it is especially heavy. More than 100 hostages are still...

  • Is Biden taking lessons from AOC?

    Ruthie Blum|May 3, 2024

    (JNS) — U.S. President Joe Biden began his Earth Day speech at Prince William Forest Park in Virginia on Monday by singling out a few prominent climate-change figures in attendance. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, who introduced him, was one of them. “You know, I learned a long time ago: Listen to that lady; listen to that lady,” he said. “We’re going to talk more about another part of the world, too, real quickly.” It doesn’t take a genius to guess what region he had in mind. AOC—as the member of his party’s radical...

  • What's Happening

    May 3, 2024

    MORNING MINYANS Chabad of South Orlando — Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. and 10 minutes before sunset; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, 8:15 a.m., 407-354-3660. Congregation Ahavas Yisrael — Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m.; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-644-2500. Congregation Chabad Lubavitch of Greater Daytona — Monday, 8 a.m.; Thursday, 8 a.m., 904-672-9300. Congregation Ohev Shalom — Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-298-4650. GOBOR Community Minyan at Jewish Academy of Orlando — Monday – Friday, 7:45 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Temple Israel — Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-647-3...

  • Top Qatari official: No to negotiations with Israel

    May 3, 2024

    (JNS) — There can be no negotiations with Israel as the Jewish people are “slayers of prophets,” a top Qatari official told representatives at a recent Arab League summit, according to a translation of the speech the Middle East Media Research Institute published on Wednesday. Essa bin Ahmad al-Nassr, who serves on Doha’s Shura Council legislature and holds the rank of brigadier-general in the Qatari Armed Forces’ elite Emiri Guard protection unit, threatened the annihilation of the Jewish state. Qatar, which hosts Hamas leaders and has provi...

  • The death of Brooklyn Dodger great Carl Erskine closes a chapter in Jewish history

    Andrew Silow Carroll|May 3, 2024

    (New York Jewish Week) - My son is in town from California for Passover, and on Tuesday night he treated the rest of the family to a Mets game. Before the first pitch, the Mets had a moment of silence for the pitcher Carl Erskine, who died that day at age 97. Erskine was a star of the storied Brooklyn Dodgers teams of the late 1940s and '50s, when they won the National League pennant five times and the 1955 World Series. Erskine was also the last surviving Dodger to have been profiled in Roger...

  • Insights from The Orlando Senior Help Desk: Review your estate plan today

    May 3, 2024

    Caregivers entrusted with lives beyond their own should ideally join the 40 percent of Americans who have crafted a will or other estate-planning document. Yet, even the most meticulously prepared estate plan requires periodic review to ensure alignment with life’s twists and turns. Here are five critical life events necessitating a review of your estate plan: 1) Birth or adoption: Welcoming a new child requires updating your will to designate guardianship. Consider establishing trusts for children or grandchildren to manage assets effectively....

  • Unrest on American campuses: Yale police arrest 47 anti-Israel protesters as 'Gaza solidarity encampments' spread

    Andrew Bernard|May 3, 2024

    (JNS) — Yale University police arrested 47 anti-Israel protesters for trespassing on Monday morning, as “Gaza solidarity encampments” continue to disrupt college campuses across the country. After the arrests in New Haven, hundreds of students continued to rally while university maintenance workers cleared Yale’s central Beinecke Plaza of tents, the Yale Daily News student newspaper reported. Anti-Israel students formed the first of the encampments at Columbia University on Wednesday ahead of congressional testimony by Columbia preside...

  • Unrest on American campuses: Israeli professor barred from campus, Congress members demand action to protect Jewish students

    Luke Tress|May 3, 2024

    (New York Jewish Week) — An outspoken Israeli professor was blocked from entering a portion of the Columbia University campus and Jewish members of Congress demanded action from the administration on Monday as pro-Palestinian protests continued to roil the Manhattan university. Shai Davidai, an Israeli assistant professor at Columbia University’s business school, had announced on social media that he planned to enter the university’s main campus on Monday morning to hold a “peaceful sit in” in the area of pro-Palestinian demonstra...

  • Unrest on American campuses: Columbia says it 'will not divest from Israel,' moves to close encampment following failed negotiations

    JTA Staff|May 3, 2024

    (JTA) — Columbia University has rejected a demand to divest from Israel and has failed to reach an agreement with pro-Palestinian student protesters who are occupying a portion of the school’s New York City campus, according to a letter sent Monday morning, April 28, to the community by President Minouche Shafik. “All year, we have sought to facilitate opportunities for our students and faculty to engage in constructive dialogue, and we have provided ample space for protests and vigils to take place peacefully and without disruptions to acade...

  • Unrest on American campuses: Inspired by Columbia example, pro-Palestinian encampments spring up at colleges nationwide

    Andrew Lapin|May 3, 2024

    (JTA) – A pro-Palestinian protest at Yale University allegedly turned violent with dozens of arrests. The University of Southern California canceled all its planned commencement speakers. Encampments have sprung up at campuses from Boston to Ann Arbor and Chapel Hill. It’s not just Columbia. The unrest that has overtaken the Ivy League university in New York City, and upended life for Jewish students and everyone else, is spilling over into the rest of the country. The spread of the demonstrations is being promoted and celebrated by pro...


    May 3, 2024

    Written by the family Mr. Melvin Bernstein, 87, passed away peacefully Friday, April 12, 2024, at his Mount Dora, Florida home following a brief illness. Mr. Bernstein was born Oct. 21, 1936, in Brooklyn, New York to the late Harold and Sabina (Kaplan) Bernstein of blessed memory. He was the owner of Melcolor Labs and a United States Army veteran. Mr. Bernstein is survived by his wife Elaine (Nadler) Bernstein of Mount Dora, Florida; daughter, Melanie (Danny) Hirschberger of Sorrento, Florida;... Full story

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