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WASHINGTON (JTA)-Amos Yadlin likes talking about the Begin doctrine, which calls for removing existential threats to Israel before they are manifest-maybe because he lived it twice. As an Israeli Air Force pilot, Yadlin flew one of the planes that took out Iraq's nuclear reactor in 1981, when Menachem Begin was prime minister. As director of military intelligence in 2007, Yadlin oversaw the operation that eliminated another nuclear reactor, this one in Syria. Watching President Donald Trump sign... Full story
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's traveling exhibition "Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race" examines how the Nazi leadership, in collaboration with individuals in professions traditionally charged with healing and the public good, used science to help legitimize persecution, murder, and ultimately, genocide. The exhibition opened at the Holocaust Center on June 17 and will be on display through Aug. 31, 2018. The Center will celebrate with an opening reception on Sunday, June... Full story
Angry parents and citizens dominated the first hour of a scheduled Newton, Mass., Public School board meeting on Monday night, in an effort to show their disgust and rage at the continued teaching of bias against Israel that has been the focus of controversy in this heavily Jewish suburb for more than five years. Waving signs of “Fire Fleishman!” and “Replace!”, 70 angry citizens protested the mistreatment of the Jewish community by city officials the evening of June 11. Ruth Goldman, chair of the Committee, restricted discussion of the con... Full story
A few years ago, Howie Appel lost his wife of almost 40 years to cancer. About a year before that, Jane Edelstein lost her mother. Grief is such a personal, individual experience, and no two people go through the process of bereavement in precisely the same way. But at different times and in different ways, Appel and Edelstein found help and comfort from the same source: a grief support group that is run by VITAS Healthcare in partnership with The Jewish Pavilion. Appel was still reeling from... Full story
The Jewish Academy of Orlando continues to utilize cutting edge technology in their school and curriculum by partnering with Violet Defense to implement their S.A.G.E. UV products into the school to help prevent the spread of illness-causing germs throughout its facility. Violet Defense S.A.G.E. (Surface & Air Germ Elimination) UV products incorporate innovative technology, harnessing the germ-killing power of UV light into its patented solutions to help combat up to 99.9 percent of bacteria and viruses, including E. Coli, Salmonella,... Full story
(JNS)-Israeli security forces began destroying the homes of 15 Jewish families in the Netiv Ha'avot neighborhood of Elazar in the Gush Etzion region of Judea on Tuesday, expelling residents who were joined by as many as 3,500 supporters from around Israel who arrived to protest the action. Some 2,500 Israeli police officers were stationed in the suburban residential community just 11 miles southwest of Jerusalem to carry out the court-ordered eviction and demolition of homes the Supreme Court... Full story
During the month of July, when public schools don’t offer the free/reduced-priced breakfasts and lunches, JFS Orlando’s Pearlman Emergency Food Pantry see a 40 percent increase in hungry families who struggle without the school meals for their children. Besides the lack of school-provided meals, one out of six people in Central Florida don’t know when they will have their next meal; one in four children go hungry; and 113 million meals a year are needed to fill the hunger gap in our Orlando community. JFS Orlando’s goal is to collect 10,000... Full story
NEW YORK-The shimmering musical "The Band's Visit," based on Israeli film of the same name, was the big winner at the Tony Awards on Sunday, June 10, capturing the best musical award and nine other prizes. "The Band's Visit," about an Egyptian band that accidentally winds up in a dusty Israeli backwater, won awards for best direction, leading actor, leading actress, orchestration, sound design, original score, best book of a musical, lighting and featured actor Ari'el Stachel, who gave a... Full story
Ari'el Stachel, the California-born son of an Israeli-Yemeni father and an Ashkenazi mother from New York, won the award for Best Featured Actor in a Musical for his performance as a romantic Egyptian trumpeter in "The Band's Visit." "The Band's Visit," a jewel-box musical based on an Israeli film about an Egyptian band stranded in a hardscrabble Negev town, dominated its categories during the 72nd annual Tony Awards ceremony at Radio City Music Hall Sunday night, winning awards for Best... Full story
The Zionist Organization of America has called upon the TV broadcasting network MSNBC to fire Joy Reid, host of ‘MSNBC’s AM Joy’ program, for uttering outrageous anti-Semitic comments and for espousing bizarre conspiracy theories. The ZOA is appalled that someone espousing her views and making the comments she has made on air has a paid slot on a major TV network and calls upon MSNBC to fire her forthwith. Joy Reid’s record includes the following: • Writing a post in December 2005 on her now-defunct blog supporting a statement by the Iranian p... Full story
(JNS)—Where there is smoke, the saying goes, there is fire. But if you’re Palestinians committing mass arson against Israelis, there might not be media coverage. Many major US news outlets, despite the staggering damage to Israel’s economy and property, have ignored what should be a front-page story. For more than two months, Palestinians have been sending hundreds of helium balloons and kites filled with flammable material over the Gaza border and into Israel. This method of terrorism via mass arson has gained steam in recent weeks, with the I... Full story
By Mel Pearlman I became a subscriber to Time Magazine in my sophomore year in high school, when my English teacher compelled each student in his class to subscribe to either Time Magazine, Newsweek, or U.S. News and World Report. Each week we were to select an article for discussion and be prepared to discuss its language architecture in class. He used these publications as examples of excellent journalistic writing and as resources to build our English skills as to grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary. I have been a continuous... Full story
(JNS)—Amid all the challenges Israel is facing—the Iran nuclear threat; the presence of Iranian-backed forces and Hezbollah troops along Israel’s northern border; rioters and arsonists along the Gaza border; and Palestinians in the West Bank constantly inciting against Israel and paying terrorists millions of dollars each to kill Jews in a sophisticated “pay-to-slay” stipend scheme—the last thing Israel needs is to pour fuel on the fire of an international community that questions Jews’ rights to live in the only region of the world named J... Full story
(JNS)—Eight years ago during the Obama administration, the State Department adopted a definition of anti-Semitism to be used in identifying Jew-hatred around the world. Except for in the United States. To remedy that omission, a bipartisan group of politicians in Washington just introduced the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act of 2018. This should not be a controversial piece of legislation. All that the act does is direct that anti-Semitism, as it is manifested today, be treated comparably to racism or sexism. It certainly doesn’t seek to ban hat... Full story
(JNS)—Gaza, a place with so much meaning. Words cannot describe the situations my comrades and I have been through. The first time we got to the border we couldn’t imagine what the next four months would be like. The first thing my officer told us when we started duty is that “the fence is a metaphor... only where the IDF is, is there a border.” We couldn’t imagine how right he was. In the past four months, my unit took control over the border, it was at this time the most difficult border in Israel. Israel Independence Day, “Yom Nakba,” prison... Full story
MORNING AND EVENING MINYANS (Call synagogue to confirm time.) Chabad of South Orlando—Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. and 10 minutes before sunset; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, 8:15 a.m., 407-354-3660. Congregation Ahavas Yisrael—Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m.; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-644-2500. Congregation Chabad Lubavitch of Greater Daytona—Monday, 8 a.m.; Thursday, 8 a.m., 904-672-9300. Congregation Ohev Shalom—Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-298-4650. GOBOR Community Minyan at Jewish Academy of Orlando—Monday—Friday, 7:45 a.m.—8:30 a.m. Temple I... Full story
A huge and sincere thank you goes out to Rebecca Kleiman and Susan Bernstein who have become devoted Jewish Pavilion volunteers. Susan leads Shabbat songs and prayers once or twice a month at both Brookdale Island Lake and Oakmonte Village: Cordova. She has a true gift in teaching and story telling to enhance the Shabbat service. Rebecca Kleiman has made herself available to many seniors at several area facilities on Shabbat and throughout the week. One recent Shabbat, she introduced her two... Full story
Recent surveys show that Americans lack basic knowledge of the Holocaust. The Holocaust Center's annual Teacher's Institute remedies this lack by bringing Central Florida teachers to learn and teach the Holocaust. For 23 teachers who devoted an entire week at the Norman Wall Teachers' Institute on Holocaust Education at the Holocaust Center of Central Florida, there could be no mistaking the purpose that brought them together. Every June, the Holocaust Center hosts an institute on Holocaust... Full story
When Kinneret Apartments recently experienced a failing freezer, a quick call to Southeast Steel, a locally owned and operated seller of appliances, resulted in a donation of a new, front opening freezer. The owners of Southeast Steel, Stu and Joanie Kimball, responded within 30 minutes confirming the delivery and installation of the new freezer. "We are so grateful for their amazing community support. The quick response allowed us to seamlessly continue serving our residents," said Sharon... Full story
NAHAL OZ, Israel (JTA)-Dani Ben David fiddles with his radio, switching between it and his cell phone as he drives through the Beeri Forest, a nature reserve located on the border of Israel and the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. As his Jeep jolts over the dirt road, he quickly and calmly jumps between multiple conversations, coordinating efforts to extinguish the multiple fires that have sprung up across his territory. As regional director for the Western Negev for Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish... Full story
Talk about disturbing news... I read this in the World Jewish Congress digest and pass it along to you: "Recent figures released by the Community Security Trust indicate a record-high number of anti-Semitic incidents in the United Kingdom, with the Jewish community targeted at a rate of nearly four times a day over the course of 2017. This is the third year in a row that the CST has reported record levels of anti-Semitism, and this is in a year with no specific trigger events. 'Anti-Semitism is... Full story
NEW YORK (JTA)-Anthony Bourdain was quick-and often willing-to publicly offer his own flaws. "Until 44 years of age, I never had any kind of savings account," Bourdain said in 2017. "[I] always owed money. I'd always been selfish and completely irresponsible." Despite or maybe because of such flaws, Bourdain would stumble into fame, parlaying his latent talent as a writer into hosting three increasingly sophisticated variants of the same food-oriented travel show-first on the Food Network, then... Full story
(JNS)-Following a video message to the Iranian people by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, thousands of Iranians took to Israel to express their support and love for the Jewish state. According to Israel's Foreign Ministry, the hashtag #WeStandWithIsrael was featured in tens of thousands of tweets written by Iranians who took part in a campaign to separate their opinions of Israel from that of the strongly anti-Israel Iranian regime. Sharona Avginsaz, the Foreign Ministry Persian-langua... Full story
What caused the collapse of Palestinian society? In addition to serious cleavages dating to Ottoman times that existed in local Arab society, it was the absence of an alternative Arab infrastructure after the British pulled out of Mandate Palestine. Because Palestinian Arab society had been so dependent on British civil administration and social services, Britain’s departure left Arab civil servants jobless. As a result, most social services and civil administration ceased to function in the Arab sector, disrupting the flow of essential c... Full story
TEL AVIV-The week of June 11, 225 members of the Bnei Menashe Jewish community, which claims descent from one of Israel's lost tribes, made Aliyah thanks to Shavei Israel, a Jerusalem-based nonprofit that aims to strengthen ties between the Jewish people and descendants of Jews around the world. The 225 new immigrants all hail from the northeastern Indian state of Manipur, which borders Burma and is home to the largest concentration of Bnei Menashe. Among those making Aliyah this week is Seingul... Full story