Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Articles from the September 7, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 30

  • Jewish Academy of Orlando students score two and three grade levels ahead of their peers compared to national norms

    Sep 7, 2018

    For the fourth straight year, on average, students at Jewish Academy of Orlando performed at least two grade levels ahead of their peers nationwide. Each April, Jewish Academy students take the Iowa Test of Basic Skills, a nationally standardized achievement test for K-12 students. The test allows schools to compare students' scores to national norms in Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science. This year, the upper grades at Jewish Academy outperformed their past...

  • Clermont Congregation Sinai celebrates their new location

    Sep 7, 2018

    Congregation Sinai has now moved into their new location with a special grand opening Torah procession, a ceremonial mezuzah placement and a Kabbalat Shabbat service. With over 100 members and guests attending, it was a full house. Congregation Sinai has been serving the Jewish Community of Central Florida since 2003. They have now moved to 1200 West Broad Street in nearby Groveland at the edge of Clermont. Most Sinai members live in the Clermont, Minneola and Groveland areas. At all...

  • Federation's JTEN helps students, teachers gear up for new school year

    Sep 7, 2018

    Even before the new school year kicked off this month, local students and educators were hard at work learning, sharing and growing by participating in two programs by the Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando's Jewish Teen Education Network. On Aug. 6, nearly 40 Central Florida teens gathered at Camp Challenge in Sorrento for "New Beginnings," the first-ever Communitywide Teen Education Retreat, a two-day event sponsored and organized by JTEN. After the teens arrived, they participated in...

  • Rollins' Hillel is home away from home at Rosh Hashanah

    Sep 7, 2018

    "Why are we here?" the question hung in the air of the first board meeting of the revamped Rollins Hillel student board. Sure, who doesn't love free Shabbat dinners and trips to Israel, but really, at the end of the day, why are we here? There are over 100 student organizations in addition to athletics, Greek life, internships, etc., that students at Rollins can be a part of. Why is it important that there is a Jewish student organization on campus? After a moment a student leader looked up,...

  • A High Holidays plea: Listen to each other on Israel's nation-state debate

    Avi Weiss|Sep 7, 2018

    (JTA)—The High Holidays are approaching. It is a time when Jews worldwide join together in the spirit of camaraderie, pouring out their hearts for a good new year. But the lead-up this year has been different, often pitting Jews against Jews in bitter controversy Rosh Hashanah 5779 arrives with the passage of legislation declaring that Israel is a Jewish state with the right of Jewish self-determination. Supporters and detractors have been characterizing each other using inappropriate, explosive language. On one side, too many have called t...

  • How to misread anti-Semitism

    Ben Cohen|Sep 7, 2018

    (JNS)—In all the furor around the anti-Semitism plaguing the British Labour Party, I’ve noticed two distinct forms of defense of both the party and its far-left leader, Jeremy Corbyn. The first defense, favored by those for whom Corbyn is a Socialist equivalent of L. Ron Hubbard, is to dismiss any and all accusations of anti-Semitism as a “hoax” or “smear” aimed solely at destroying their leader’s prospects of becoming Britain’s next prime minister. The second, which may be wrong-headed but is at least grounded in intellectual sincerity, is t...

  • To forgive or not to forgive? That is the question!

    Mel Pearlman, Everywhere|Sep 7, 2018

    In a previous Everywhere column, “Love is not the antidote to hate,” (Heritage Florida Jewish News, Aug. 17, 2018), I suggested that respect for one another was the only effective antidote to hate. Now, as we approach the High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, a time of self-reflection in our relationship with the Divine, we will also likely hear from the pulpit of many synagogues, the need to reflect on our many personal relationships, on our general behavior, and how well we treated those with whom we have interacted within the pas...

  • Why we still need heroes like John McCain

    Jonathan S Tobin|Sep 7, 2018

    (JNS)—Anybody who pays attention to the sorts of things honored by contemporary popular culture knows that stories about heroism are passé. But why then do we still long for them? One example comes from an incident that took place almost a century ago. In March 1920, Arab gangs attacked the Jewish settlement of Tel Hai in the Upper Galilee. Josef Trumpeldor led the defense of the isolated farming village. He was a rare Jew who had served in the army of the Tsar and then helped lead the first contingent of Zionist Jews fighting with the Br...

  • Reducing the malevolent impact of UNRWA

    Sarah N. Stern|Sep 7, 2018

    (JNS)—U.S. President Donald Trump gave the Jewish people a gift of historic proportions by taking the issue of Jerusalem off the table back in December. On Aug. 25, President Trump gave a gift that is arguably of equal or greater value to the Jewish nation by significantly reducing by $200 million the aid that the United States gives to UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine. PLO Secretary General Saeb Erekat predictably called the decision “disgraceful,” and said that President Trump was “meddling in the interna...

  • Neil Simon got us right

    Ari Roth|Sep 7, 2018

    WASHINGTON, D.C. (JTA)—On Sunday, the theater community’s reactions to the death of playwright Neil Simon came even as social media were still processing the death the day before of Sen. John McCain. The homages to McCain bordered on the hagiographic until fights erupted (this being Facebook) between those who remembered the Arizona senator’s opposition to Martin Luther King Day and those who admired his bipartisanship and self-scrutiny. Almost everyone remembering Neil Simon, on the other hand, did so with wistfulness, because everyone in th...

  • American Jewish Congress mourns loss of John McCain

    Sep 7, 2018

    Dear Editor: To lose as titanic a warrior and statesman as John McCain at any time is cause for national sorrow. As Jews and as Americans, we are filled with sadness at the loss of this implacable ally of the Jewish people and Israel who served as the epitome of American patriotism. It is our hope—and we will do all that we can to ensure—that Senator McCain’s legacy of courageous, moral leadership will endure, and help light the path out of the darkness in which we now find ourselves. Thank you, Jack Rosen, president Dr. Munr Kazmir, vice...

  • What's Happening

    Sep 7, 2018

    MORNING AND EVENING MINYANS (Call synagogue to confirm time.) Chabad of South Orlando—Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. and 10 minutes before sunset; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, 8:15 a.m., 407-354-3660. Congregation Ahavas Yisrael—Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m.; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-644-2500. Congregation Chabad Lubavitch of Greater Daytona—Monday, 8 a.m.; Thursday, 8 a.m., 904-672-9300. Congregation Ohev Shalom—Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-298-4650. GOBOR Community Minyan at Jewish Academy of Orlando—Monday—Friday, 7:45 a.m.—8:30 a.m. Temple I...

  • Happy new year from the Roth JCC!

    Sep 7, 2018

    This past year has been a very exciting one that saw the J improve and expand its programs to better serve our community. We are excited about our current offerings and we are looking forward to adding new and exciting programs for the community in this new year. November marks the 20th annual Central Florida Jewish Film Festival, in partnership with the Enzian Theater, featuring significant, acclaimed movies with a focus on the Jewish experience. Last year we showed "1945," a film winning...

  • Time to reflect on the many lives changed through Jewish Family Services

    Sep 7, 2018

    For 40 years, Jewish Family Services of Greater Orlando has served the needs of our neighbors, regardless of race, religion, culture or national origin. We have cared for tens of thousands of those neighbors, keeping true to our mission of "providing services to stabilize individuals and families in crisis, and enhancing the quality of life across generations to all members of the Central Florida community." We strive to ensure that our mission is reflected in everything we do. Our mission...

  • HMREC's hope is that all people feel safe and respected

    Sep 7, 2018

    The Journal of Moral Education published an article titled "Holocaust Knowledge and Holocaust Education Experiences" predicting citizenship values among U.S. adults. The research investigated the relationship between Holocaust knowledge, Holocaust educational experiences and citizenship values. The authors concluded that learning about the Holocaust in school, hearing Holocaust Survivor testimony (in person or via electronic media) and visiting a Holocaust museum were the strongest predictors...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha|Sep 7, 2018

    A special date... Today, Sept. 7, my beloved spouse, Irv and his twin brother, Jack, were born. Irv and I were married for 55 years until his death on Aug. 20, 2015. Life goes on... barely. I also just received a message on my cell phone that said U.S. Senator John McCain has died. How sad! I had so much respect for Senator McCain, he will be sorely missed by me and by the entire country (and maybe even the world.) May he rest in peace. French justice... I read this recently about the murder of...

  • Tracey Kagan wins Democratic Primary in Florida House District 29

    Sep 7, 2018

    LONGWOOD-Tracey Kagan, Democrat for State Representative District 29, won her primary election on Tuesday by a 2:1 margin. Kagan, a Ruth's List endorsed candidate, defeated her primary opponent, Darryl Block, with 66.8 percent of the vote in all 34 precincts. She is veteran criminal defense attorney, community activist and a Seminole County mother of three. She will now face Rep. Scott Plakon, the Republican incumbent, in the general election on Nov. 6, 2018. "This win is a pinch-me moment and...

  • Rosh Hashanah message from the Jewish Academy of Orlando

    Sep 7, 2018

    Many people are familiar with the "Aleinu" prayer recited at the conclusion of each Jewish prayer service. I would even venture to say that it is one of the favorite prayers of the Jewish people because it indicates that services are coming to an end. What many people don't realize is that this ancient prayer was originally only recited as part of the High Holiday liturgy. It was so popular that the rabbis decided to incorporate it as the concluding prayer of our daily service. During Aleinu we...

  • A great beginning for Hillel at Stetson-L'Shana Tova and go Hatters!

    Sep 7, 2018

    I have to confess something-when I was in college, I did not go to Hillel. I made a deal with my mother that I would go once a semester for a bagel brunch or a Shabbat dinner, but after fall of my freshmen year I decided it wasn't for me (sorry Mom). Even five years ago when I moved to the Orlando area to help restart Central Florida Hillel I was skeptical. Does Hillel work? Does it have an impact? Can a truly welcoming and inclusive community really exist on a college campus? Through no small a...

  • New Year's greeting from Central Florida Hillel

    Sep 7, 2018

    It's that time of the year again when roughly 350,000 Jewish college students will be facing the High Holidays away from home. Whether for the very first time or just returning for another year of school, this is a time of the year when Central Florida Hillel is at its busiest. The High Holidays present a perfect opportunity for young Jewish adults to get together, whether they are observant or completely secular. The social aspects of the holiday combined with our famously abundant, delicious...

  • Kinneret residents reminisce about High Holidays past

    Sep 7, 2018

    In the next few days we'll celebrate Rosh Hashanah and herald in the new year 5779. It is a time of renewal and of family-filled with good food, traditions and wishes, hopes and prayers for the future. While the holiday is best known by the name "Rosh Hashanah," which literally means "head of the year," in the Torah the holiday is called "Zichron Truah," which roughly translates as "Memory Blast." Additionally, the only mitzvah, or commandment, that is directly connected with this holiday is to...

  • 2018-2019 High Holiday greetings from the Jewish Pavilion

    Sep 7, 2018

    Picture a pretty welcome table in the lobby with Jewish calendars, apples and honey. Imagine a front desk clerk wishing all Jewish residents and their family members a happy New Year. Think about a holiday menu with challah, noodle pudding, tzimmes and apple cake. While these things were once unimaginable in Orlando, they are occurring today in over 70 elder-care communities thanks to the Jewish Pavilion. Seniors who are no longer able to travel to shul can celebrate the High Holidays with...

  • Here's to a promising new year with the Jewish Federation

    Sep 7, 2018

    Shalom, friends, On behalf of the staff and Board of Directors of the Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando, I wish you a sweet New Year 5779! Just over a month ago, I was elected president of the Federation, and during our annual meeting I discussed our strategic plan to refine and modernize Orlando's Federation model to better serve the modern local Jewish community. As we embark on a promising new year, it is apropos to reaffirm the principles that will fuel our progress in the months ahead. The Federation mission is built on four core...

  • L'shana tova u'metukah from the Rosen JCC

    Sep 7, 2018

    27 was another spectacular year for the Rosen JCC. We saw continued growth in our early childhood, summer camp and senior adult programs, and increased membership, event rentals and community reach. Highlights include: • Reaching new highs in early childhood enrollment (over 200 children) and summer camp enrollment (over 400 children). We also opened our new state-of-the-art Noah's Ark Infant Room. • Programmatic partnerships with the Orlando Repertory Theatre, Orlando Science Center, Orlando...

  • Jewish Pavilion brings the flavors of the High Holidays to seniors

    Lisa Levine|Sep 7, 2018

    Ask people what they look forward to as the High Holidays approach, and most will respond with descriptions of a treasured family recipe for apple-honey cake or a steaming bowl of matzoh ball soup, redolent of dill, carrots and chives. For residents of senior living facilities, especially those who are ill or who do not have family in town, going to synagogue and sharing traditional holiday foods with family are not possible. So the Jewish Pavilion brings Jewish holidays and Jewish culture and...

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