Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Articles from the November 21, 2014 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 30

  • Learning to pursue justice and making a difference

    Nov 21, 2014

    JTEN (Jewish Teen Education Network) had its first communitywide Day of Jewish Learning for all Jewish teens in the area on Sunday, Nov. 9. Over 70 teens attended the program held at the Jewish Academy of Orlando. The theme of the program was Justice: A Call to Action, and featured actress and activist Naomi Ackerman. After excited greetings with all of their friends, the teens started by choosing a quote about justice or social activism that they felt strongly about. At the end of the day, the...

  • Sol Schick receives George Wolly Leadership award

    Christine DeSouza, Assistant Editor|Nov 21, 2014

    Back in 1967, when Sol Schick was a mere 27 years old and just starting his insurance business, he met Hy Lake who challenged him to start giving back to the community. "The more you give, the more you get," Lake told the young businessman. So, Schick accepted the challenge and wrote a small check to a charity-small in many people's definition perhaps, but a large amount for this little insurance company. Six weeks later, Lake's secretary phoned Schick's office. Mr. Lake wanted to meet with...

  • G.A. from a local perspective

    Olga Yorish, Executive Director JFGO|Nov 21, 2014

    There is nothing like a General Assembly of the Jewish Federations for running into long-time friends and colleagues, for unexpected and exciting encounters, and for making new and promising connections. For Rhonda Forest, Loren London, Rabbi Maurice Kaprow, and myself this GA was rich with these experiences. Today, I would like to mention just a few of them. Saying hello and thank you to Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, a former chief rabbi of the UK, and one of the greatest modern spiritual leaders of the Jewish people, is akin to coming close to...

  • 14K expected to experience Israel

    Nov 21, 2014

    Taglit-Birthright Israel is currently opening its winter season and preparing for 2015. During the next few months, Taglit-Birthright Israel will bring more than 14,000 young Jews between the ages of 18-26 from around the world to visit Israel as part of the 10-day project. Gidi Mark, the CEO of Taglit- Birthright Israel, “We are thrilled to kick off the winter season, we will continue to expand and deepen the activities among young Diaspora Jews by bringing them to Israel through Taglit- Birthright Israel” The past summer season proved as one...

  • At G.A., Jewish federations see future in more collaboration

    Uriel Heilman|Nov 21, 2014

    OXON HILL, Md. (JTA)-There was the vice president of the United States, two Supreme Court justices and an Academy Award-winning actress with a compelling Jewish story. There were Jewish professionals, lay leaders, clergy and recent college graduates. The West Point cadets' Jewish choir performed. The Israeli prime minister appeared via satellite from Jerusalem. Part pep rally, part training and part family reunion, this week's annual General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America...

  • Symbol of Jerusalem's progress, light rail becomes terror target

    Ben Sales, JTA|Nov 21, 2014

    JERUSALEM (JTA)-It's 3 p.m. on a Thursday and the Jerusalem light rail is packed with secular and religious, Jew and Arab, as it heads east from the city's Central Bus Station. From there it passes some of the city's most crowded venues, stopping at the Mahane Yehuda open market and coursing down Jaffa Street until it hits the city center, where the train cars empty out onto a thoroughfare loud with foot traffic. By the time it reaches the station in the Arab neighborhood of Shuafat, the train...

  • Local women immerse themselves in mikveh education through Chabad

    Pamela Ruben|Nov 21, 2014

    Chanshy Majesky was overcome with great sadness following the Hebrew month of Adar (March) that even the joyous effects of Purim could not lift. Two of her colleagues from the Chabad community, Rashi Minkowitz of Fulton County, Georgia, and Rivky Barber of Melbourne, Australia, passed unexpectedly, leaving behind motherless children and grieving communities. Majesky and her fellow schluchot (emissaries of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe who are sent out to spread Judaism to Jews around the globe)...

  • A time to honor Jewish Pavilion volunteers

    Nov 21, 2014

    Eat, drink and be merry... Members of the Jewish Pavilion are invited to attend "JP Connections," a luncheon slated for Tuesday, Dec. 11 at 11 a.m. at the Hilton, Altamonte Springs. At the luncheon we will be honoring all of the Pavilion volunteers. Special recognition will be paid to Norma Ball and Pam Ruben. For only $25, participants will enjoy a gourmet meal. The event will also include a holiday bazaar. Vendors will be selling jewelry, purses, scarves, ties, Judaica and other gifts for the...

  • Music of Courage to remember 'Never Again'

    Nov 21, 2014

    On Sunday, Nov. 9, the Holocaust Center presented their annual Kristallnacht commemoration, this year titled Music of Courage. Nearly 150 people attended and were enchanted by two illustrious musicians, Dr. Aaron Hilbun and Rose Shlyam Grace, as songs and poems reflecting on Kristallnacht, were performed. Dr. Aaron Hilbun has been featured as a soloist, chamber musician and orchestral player on four continents. Overseas appearances include Evensong performances at St. Path's Cathedral, London,...

  • Can the political left tackle anti-Semitism?

    Ben Cohen, JNS.org|Nov 21, 2014

    While I’ve never been a big fan of celebrity interventions in politics, I will concede that, on occasion, a big-screen actor or a rock star will achieve the kind of impact that mere mortals can only dream about. Case in point: Maureen Lipman, a much-loved British Jewish actress whom American audiences will recognize from her role in Roman Polanski’s 2002 film about the Holocaust, “The Pianist,” in which she played the mother of the film’s main protagonist, Wladyslaw Szpilman. Last week, Lipman wrote an article for Standpoint, a British p...

  • P.A. cartoon echoes Nazi newspaper's themes

    Rafael Medoff, JNS.org|Nov 21, 2014

    A leering, hook-nosed Jew, beginning to disrobe, prepares to pounce upon a helpless non-Jewish woman who cowers in fear on the ground before him. This disturbing image, so common in anti-Semitic propaganda in past centuries, this week made an appearance with a modern twist: the hook-nosed would-be rapist wore an Israeli army uniform, and his intended victim, a weeping Muslim woman, wore a headdress indicating that she represented the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. The cartoon, titled “Al-Aqsa is Being Raped,” would be outrageous even if it were t...

  • We are in the headlines again

    Ira Sharkansky, Letter from Israel|Nov 21, 2014

    Every day there are violent demonstrations on the borders of several Arab neighborhoods. “Violence” means stones, fireworks, and firebombs thrown at the ranks of Border Police, who respond with tear gas, stun grenades, rubber bullets and real bullets on occasion. There have been Palestinian casualties and minor to moderate injuries among the police. A Border Police officer was killed in one of the two incidents of Palestinians driving into pedestrians. The drivers died in a local version of suicide by cop. Palestinians say that the upsurge is...

  • Turning the page on the special U.S.-Israel relationship

    Danny Danon, JNS.org|Nov 21, 2014

    The Nov. 4 midterm election results have obvious implications for American domestic policy. For us in Israel, however, the new Congress and the last two years of President Barack Obama’s administration present a unique opportunity. Now is the perfect time to turn the page on U.S.-Israel relations. Our two governments should use this time to work together as a united front against the challenges facing the free world. While there will of course continue to be areas of disagreement between our governments, we both have much to gain by putting t...

  • Speaking out against the brutal terrorist attacks in Israel

    Nov 21, 2014

    B’nai B’rith International and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations are outraged by the continued terror attacks against Israeli civilians and soldiers, and condemn the deafening silence from the international community on these violent acts. “The escalating terrorist attacks in Jerusalem and other areas are of grave concern and must be put to an end. Israel must do everything possible to protect its citizens and restore peaceful conditions,” said Conference of Presidents leaders Robert Sugarman, Chairma...

  • Voyeurism is a form of sexual assault

    Deborah Rosenbloom, JTA|Nov 21, 2014

    WASHINGTON (JTA)—With all the conversations surrounding the allegations against my congregation’s former rabbi, Barry Freundel, no one is saying what desperately needs to be said—that voyeurism is sexual assault and that eliminating sexual assault in our communities should be the direction of our next steps. In emails, blogs and articles, the reaction to allegations that Freundel installed hidden cameras in order to view women in the mikveh has focused repeatedly on the specific location of the crime, the importance of making mikvehs safer...

  • What's Happening - Friday, November 21 - Friday, November 28

    Nov 21, 2014

    MORNING AND EVENING MINYANS (Call synagogue to confirm time.) Chabad of South Orlando—Monday and Thursday, 8 a.m. 407-354-3660. Congregation Ahavas Yisrael—Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m.; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-644-2500. Congregation Chabad Lubavitch of Greater Daytona—Monday, 8 a.m.; Thursday, 8 a.m., 904-672-9300. Congregation Ohev Shalom—Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-298-4650. GOBOR Community Minyan at Jewish Academy of Orlando—Monday – Friday, 7:45 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Temple Israel—Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-647-3055. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 Lig...

  • One last hurrah-with pizzaz

    Christine DeSouza, Assistant Editor|Nov 21, 2014

    Laurence Morrell wasn't looking for fame or shiny trophies. He signed up for the Golden Age Games in Sanford for "one last hurrah," as he put it, after a 12-year hiatus, and he got more than he bargained for. Not only was he pleased with how he did in the 500 gm javelin throw, 1K discus and 4K shot put throws, but he also won three medals-two bronze for javelin and discus, and a silver for his shot put throw. The Golden Games, held in Sanford, provide anyone 50 years of age or older who wants...

  • At Thanksgiving time, making a leap to feed the needy

    Edmon J. Rodman, JTA|Nov 21, 2014

    LOS ANGELES (JTA)-As we prepare for our Thanksgiving feasts, a 90-year-old Jewish man named Arnold Abbott is stirring the pot in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., about hunger and homelessness in America. Or is it that Abbott, who in defiance of a controversial new city ordinance has been cited several times for feeding the homeless outdoors, is just asking us to pay more than lip service to our Jewish ideals? The ordinance limits where outdoor feeding sites can be located and requires permits. Groups...

  • Engagement Announcement - Stephenie Layne Pollock and Daniel Charles Poris

    Nov 21, 2014

    Dr. Ray Pollock of Melbourne, Fla., and Valerie Pollock of Orlando, Fla., are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Dr. Stephenie Layne Pollock to Daniel Charles Poris, son of John Poris of Hollywood, Fla., and Amalia Poris of West Bloomfield, Mich. The bride-elect received her bachelor's degree from the University of Florida and her doctor of medicine degree from Florida State University. She is a general surgery resident at Florida Hospital. The groom-elect received his...

  • Jewish Pavilion Friends visits residential home turned assisted living facility

    Pamela Ruben|Nov 21, 2014

    Last October, members of the Jewish Pavilion's Friends Board were introduced to Sutton Homes by marketing director Jennifer Trotter at their monthly meeting. The board was intrigued by the concept of residential memory care, as each of the nine Sutton Homes in the Orlando area house five or less residents. On Nov. 3, Trotter returned to the monthly meeting and took a handful of board members on a guided tour of a nearby facility. The group visited a Sutton Home in Altamonte Springs tucked away...

  • Scene Around

    Gloria Yousha, Scene Around|Nov 21, 2014

    If I told you once... I told you a million times... I write this column well in advance of the publication date, so although Veterans Day is past when you read this, it has not yet occurred when I wrote this. I am NOT a veteran. I am the wife of a Korean War Army veteran; the mother of three sons, one a Lt. Commander in the Navy; also I am the mother of a psychologist who helped Navy recruits at Great Lakes Naval Base, Illinois; and the mother of my third son, a former sailor who served on a...

  • Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed celebrates 45 years

    Nov 21, 2014

    Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A., the largest law firm in Central Florida according to the Orlando Business Journal, is pleased to announce that it is celebrating 45 years in business. John Lowndes, who founded the firm in 1969, attributes much of the firm's success to its attorneys and staff, many of whom have been with the firm their entire career. The list of clients who have been with the firm since its inception is also long. "Our clients are our proverbial partners," said...

  • JetBlue Airways and EL AL Israel Airlines sign codeshare agreement

    Nov 21, 2014

    EL AL Israel Airlines and JetBlue Airways signed a codeshare agreement, providing travelers to Israel with expanded options and easier connections. Travelers living in 38 cities in the U.S. can now experience convenient connections to their EL AL nonstop flight to/from Israel. Luggage is automatically transferred between the JetBlue and EL AL flights, Matmid frequent flyer points are earned on the JetBlue domestic flights and passengers need only purchase one ticket through one transaction for...

  • Jewish Academy of Orlando Book Fair

    Nov 21, 2014

    The Jewish Academy of Orlando's annual Book Fair took place the week of Nov. 10. This annual event is sponsored by HUM (Horim U'Morim, the Jewish Academy's Parent/Teacher organization). The Jewish Academy's volunteers are the heart and soul of the school and truly put on an amazing event. The theme of this year's Book Fair was "Medieval Times." The Book Fair also coincides each November with Jewish book month and Global Day of Jewish Learning (Nov. 16) and this year featured many Judaic books,...

  • People can turn from a life of hate

    Nov 21, 2014

    As part of the Holocaust Center's ongoing observance of the 50th anniversary of the passage of the Civil Rights Act, on Thursday, Nov. 6, the Center hosted a reception and education forum titled Privilege and Progress. The event's guest speaker was Angela King, a former skinhead spoke about life after hate. King grew up in South Florida and was raised in an environment of prejudice and hate. She felt like she did not fit in anywhere until she met a local group of skinheads, who soon became her...

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