Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice
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Israel’s 17-year coexistence policy with Hamas died on Oct. 7. Egypt controlled the Gaza Strip from 1948-1967 until they lost it to Israel in the 1967 6-Day War. Between June 5-10, 1967, Israel conquered the Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. Egypt, Jordan, and Syria attacked Israel on three fronts, outnumbering the Jewish people three to one, and failed to destroy the State of Israel. The Right of Conquest is a right of ownership to land after immediate possession via force of arms. Israel owns t...
The Uprooting Prejudice exhibit, at the Maitland Holocaust Center of Florida, is in part promoting the Black Lives Matter movement, which is irrefutably anti-Semitic and responsible for targeting synagogues and destroying Jewish-owned businesses during the George Floyd inspired riots. This exhibit, occupying the hallowed halls of our Holocaust Memorial Center has resulted in well-deserved negative national attention. The Aug. 28, 2020, Jerusalem Post reported, “On Wednesday night, the 93-year-old Los Angeles synagogue’s driveway was gra...
Nothing makes Palestinian-supporting BDS boycotters squeal louder than when they themselves become victims of their own tactics. Israel Strategic Affairs Ministry will deny entry for BDS activists if they fall into one of these four categories: • Individuals with senior positions or significant roles in a BDS promoting organization, such as senior staff, board chairman, or board members. • Key activists who take a consistent and continuous role to promote BDS. • Institutional officials, such as mayors, who promote BDS in an active and ongoi... Full story
On Aug. 17, the ‘Florida Atlantic University professor and president of the Islamic Society of Boca Raton, Fla., Bassem Alhalabi, agreed to publicly defend the Shariah Islamiyya (Islamic Law) but ran away in shame from the venue minutes before the program’s starting time. The title of the meeting was “Interfaith Cafe: Sharia Law and U.S. Law Nothing To Fear.” Dr. Alhalabi was to defend Islamic law, making the case that non-Muslims have nothing to fear from Shariah. Deep down Dr. Alhalabi knows the facts are not on his side. What Dr. Alhalab... Full story
For those who did not see this Channel 9 Investigative report there was a Radical Syrian cleric—Sheikh Mohammed Rateb Al-Nabulsi, who openly calls for the death of Jews and gays—speaking in Central Florida earlier this month. Al-Nabulsi found a welcoming home at the Islamic Society of Central Florida (Imam Musri’s Mosque), AlBir Mosque in Kissimmee, Islamic Society of Pinellas County Mosque, and an Embassy Suites Banquet Hall in Tampa for the American Muslim Leadership Council of Tampa. Al-Nabulsi wrote a paper called “Lesson 35: Ruling... Full story
In late March 2016, Rabbi Barry Silver reached out to his Muslim friends Wilfredo Ruiz (CAIR), Professor Bassem Al-Halabi (ICBR Mosque), Deputy Sheriff Nezar Hamze (CAIR), and former Israeli Army Officer David Shimon to have a panel discussion on Islamophobia, Shariah Law, and Islam on July 20, 2016 at Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor. All four men agreed to be a part of the discussion. The community responded enthusiastically filling Rabbi Silver’s Synagogue to standing room only. The three Muslim leaders were last minute no shows in a shameful and... Full story
By Alan Kornman The role of man in this world is to work, create, innovate, accumulate wealth, and elevate the material world while caring for those in need. Israel and Jews have a long-standing tradition of extending aid to alleviate hunger, disease and poverty, in the wake of natural disasters and terrorist attacks beyond its borders. Israel’s 200-strong relief team was the first on the scene after a devastating earthquake hit Haiti in 2010, saving thousands of lives. In March 2011, Israel was one of the first countries to set up field c... Full story
A dozen prominent black pastors from across the country stood in support of Israel and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he spoke on March 3 to a Joint session of Congress about Iran's nuclear ambitions. "The thing to me that makes no sense is why the Congressional Black Caucus has teamed up with this current administration against Israel," Pastor Dexter D. Sanders of Orlando, Florida, said in an interview with the Washington Times. "And yes, black caucus, I'm saying you have gone... Full story
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi calls for Islam to 'grow up' and join the 21st century in its "Islamic thinking" at the prestigious Al-Azhar University. Al-Azhar is the same location where President Obama gave his famous 2009 Cairo Speech insisting the two front row seats be assigned to Muslim Brotherhood members. General al-Sisi is saying the current Islamic thinking, based on the texts and Islamic Law, are "antagonizing the entire world." General al-Sisi understands that the current tr... Full story
The definition of peace between the Palestinians and Israelis is when the two can work alongside each other, earning equal wages, benefits, and economically energizing their neighborhoods, in a ‘so called’ peaceful environment. Peace broke out in Maale Adumim, West Bank at the SodaStream factory 15 minutes west of Jerusalem. 600 West Bank Palestinians, 300 East Jerusalem Arabs, and 300 Israeli Jews entered, without knowing, into a voluntary peace deal at SodaStream. All this achieved without outside interference from the United Nations, Uni... Full story
On Wednesday, July 23, 2014, the Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando (JFGO) and the Greater Orlando Board of Rabbis sponsored an Israel Solidarity Gathering at the Maitland Jewish Community Center. Approximately 350 people from the Orlando community came to show their support for Israel. Chaim Shacham, consul general of Israel to Florida and Puerto Rico gave a briefing on the current situation in Israel. "We did not choose this conflict, it was forced upon us. Even though we did all that we... Full story
Roi Kais of Ynetnews.com reported "Hamas Interior Ministry tells Gaza locals to stay in their homes despite Israeli phone calls, leaflets, and the 'knock on the roof' procedure urging them to evacuate." The "knock on the roof procedure" is when the Israeli Air Force fires a small round at the roof of a targeted structure signaling residents to evacuate before the real strike. Hamas Interior Ministry, on the other hand, issued commands for the residents of Gaza to remain in their homes despite Is... Full story
The Presbyterian Church (USA) symbolically voted in support of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (BDS) against the State of Israel. The Presbyterian Church’s ideological support of anti-Israel sanctions and divestments is so strong, former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke publicly supports the Presbyterian Church’s anti-Israel and anti-Jewish trajectory. The Presbytery of New Covenat, 221st General Assembly (2014) voted 310-303 to divest their substantial assets from Caterpillar, Motorola Solutions, and Hewlett Packard because of the... Full story
On May 20, Orlando pastor Dr. Joel Hunter hosted a panel discussion on “Climate Change: Should Christian’s Care?” Describing himself as a, “long time advocate for creation care,” Pastor Hunter is a spiritual adviser to President Barak Obama and incorporates his views on climate change issues into his teachings. Hunter is launching an initiative that empowers multi-faith leaders to lead and engage others on climate solutions. The initiative, called Blessed Tomorrow, brings together more than 20 evangelical, Catholic, Protestant, Muslim an... Full story
By Alan Kornman After sharing his harrowing story of endurance during the Nazi occupation of his home country, then recalling his internment in Auschwitz and liberation in Buchenwald, Irving Roth came face to face with one of his American liberators. His audience was held in rapt attention as Roth began the evening sharing his memories. "It was a balmy evening in May of 1944, I was 14 years old, I had been locked up in this cattle car for three days and three nights, with no place to sit, no... Full story
On a chilly Thursday night while most of Orlando residents were at home keeping warm, Wallace Bruschweiler was connecting the dots on terrorist cell operations from the 1970s to today. Seventy people packed Doc's Grill on Orange Avenue to hear from a man who was fighting terrorism long before America's collective consciousness knew there was a problem. Bruschweiler, vice president of Associates of Former Intelligence Officers Fla. Suncoast Chapter, spoke on behalf of Act For America, an... Full story
On Nov. 25, the UCF Knights For Israel invited Sgt. Benjamin Anthony (IDF Reserves) of the Our Soldiers Speak organization, to speak on the state of Israel from a combat soldiers perspective. Anthony spoke to a standing-room-only crowd of more than 125 people, receiving three standing ovations. In the course of his lecture, Anthony humbly transformed himself from a battle-tested, heavy-machine gunner into a statesman. He prefaced his presentation by expressing to the audience he does not view... Full story
Just as it is important to always remember the Holocaust by retelling those events through living survivors, books, films and various programs, it is equally important to teach the history of modern-day Israel accurately, and make sure it remains factual so that its history does not become distorted to fit a particular political agenda. On Nov. 4, approximately 35-40 people attended a program on Israel in World Relations, held at the University of Central Florida. Sponsored by the Knights For... Full story