Central Florida's Independent Jewish Voice

Articles from the November 4, 2016 edition

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  • We all live in a yellow submarine!

    Nov 4, 2016

    Last Sunday, more than 400 people came to Crane's Roost in Altamonte Springs to enjoy the wonderful weather, nosh on knishes, and hear time-tested Beatles' songs by The British Invasion and the Jewish Academy of Orlando's choir. These magnificent children delivered with 'Yellow Submarine' and a few other memorable Beatles' tunes. See some other photos of the Jewish Pavilion's Sunday in the Park on page 10A.... Full story

  • A venue for Christians and Jews to stand with Israel

    Christine DeSouza, News Editor|Nov 4, 2016

    With the recent passage by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) of the controversial resolutions that deny Jewish and Christian ties to the Temple Mount, and the city of Jerusalem (calling it a Muslim city), it is extremely important that Central Floridian Jews and Christians show their unity for Israel. Pastors Blake and Beverly Lorenz of Encounter Global Church, with several other organizations, have organized The Bless Israel Summit for this purpose.... Full story

  • Jewish Film Festival review

    Christine DeSouza|Nov 4, 2016

    The Roth Family JCC's annual Jewish Film Festival, presented in partnership with the Enzian Theater, is showing five films and one short Nov. 12 through Nov. 14. The first film, "Fanny's Journey," will be shown at the Orlando Science Center, 777 E. Princeton St., on Saturday evening at 7:30 p.m. The rest of the films will be shown at the Enzian, located at 1300 S. Orlando Ave., Maitland. This year, The Roth Family JCC is offering "Saturday Night Out" at a discounted price for parents who will... Full story

  • Prof. Pelli's newest book released

    Nov 4, 2016

    Professor Moshe Pelli, former director of the UCF Judaic Studies, and Abe and Tess Wise Endowed Professor of Judaic Studies, has just published his new book by the Hebrew University's Magnes Press in Jerusalem. The book is titled Kochvei Yitzhak, The Journal of the Haskalah in the Austro-Hungarian Empire (1845–1873). It is a monograph and an annotated, computerized index to the periodical that has been published for an extended period of 28 years, in 37 issues. This is the sixth book in the seri... Full story

  • New eligibility for Birthright

    Nov 4, 2016

    Young professionals ages 22-29 are invited to participate in Taglit-Birthright Israel’s for young professionals this December. Originally, the trip was only for young professionals working at JCCs or other Jewish organizations, but is now open to all Jewish young adults who meet Birthright’s qualifications. Explore Israel as a young Jewish professional: network, learn, experience and enrich your Jewish identity as well as your connection to Israel. Meet with Israeli community professionals, collaborate with colleagues from North Ame... Full story

  • Donald Trump links Jewish values and Israel support in Jerusalem video

    Nov 4, 2016

    JERUSALEM (JTA)—Donald Trump’s campaign debuted a video at a Republican event in Jerusalem linking the “honor and respect” for Jewish values the candidate says he learns from his family to his support for Israel. The one-minute video aired Wednesday (Oct. 26) night at a Republicans Overseas Israel event on the rooftop of the Harp of David restaurant overlooking the Western Wall and Temple Mount in the Old City. “For me, respect and reverence for Judaism is personal. My daughter Ivanka and my son-in-law Jared are raising their children... Full story

  • Palestinians, Jordanians warn against opposition to UNESCO

    Nov 4, 2016

    (JNS.org)—The Palestinian Authority and Jordan are warning members of UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee against opposing a planned resolution on Jerusalem set for a vote last Wednesday, Oct. 26. The 21-member World Heritage Committee is considering a resolution that solely refers to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem by its Muslim name, Al-Haram Al-Sharif, which ignores any Jewish or Christian ties to the site. Temple Mount was home to the First and Second Jewish Temples. The resolution is similar to one passed by the 56-member UNESCO Executive Com... Full story

  • Lawmakers from 17 countries denounce UNESCO

    Nov 4, 2016

    (JNS.org)-Lawmakers from 17 countries signed a declaration last Thursday against the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) resolution and called for international recognition of Jerusalem as the undivided and eternal capital of Israel. The UNESCO resolution rejected any Jewish link to the Temple Mount and the Western Wall in Jerusalem. In the declaration, 19 MPs representing the 17 countries, said that "the U.N. resolution is disconnected from reality and is... Full story

  • More Islamist money flows to Hillary Clinton

    Nov 4, 2016

    PHILADELPHIA—The Middle East Forum’s “Islamist Money in Politics” (IMIP) project has recorded an additional $12,061 in campaign contributions from Islamist sources to Hillary Clinton since releasing its list of the top ten recipients of Islamist money for 2015-2016 on October 20. The new figures come from just-released FEC filings from August and September. Clinton has padded her lead atop the list, accepting $53,226 from prominent Islamists. This includes $16,216 from individuals associated with the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC),... Full story

  • Congregation of Reform Judaism presents Havdalah Pajama and an all new youth program

    Nov 4, 2016

    Join the Congregation of Reform Judaism (CRJ) in your jammies (adults too!) for pizza, crafts, and a special milk and cookies story time with Rabbi Engel, Cantor Jacki, and Ms. Lauren. CRJ is proud to present its first Havdalah Pajama as part of an all new youth program headed up by Lauren Oback, CRJ’s new director of Programming and Youth Engagement. Havdalah Pajama is a free program for children ages 1-6 and their families in the Orlando community (CRJ membership not required), but please RSVP https://crjorlando.org/pajama-havdalah/ The p... Full story

  • Authors Ezra Glinter and Leah Kaminsky in town this month

    Nov 4, 2016

    On Nov. 12 Writer's Block Bookstore and Rollins College will host authors Ezra Glinter and Leah Kaminsky. The event will be a conversation between the two authors in addition to individual presentations regarding their latest works. Then on Nov. 15, from 7 p.m.- 9 p.m., Glinter will be promoting "Have I Got a Story for You," a collection of stories he curated from the Yiddish newspaper, The Forward. Kaminsky will be promoting her latest novel "The Waiting Room." Glinter is The Forward's deputy c... Full story

  • UCF Judaic Studies with Dr. Berdichevsky

    Nov 4, 2016

    The UCF Judaic Studies Lecturers Series presents Dr. Norman Berdichevsky on Tuesday, Nov. 15, at Central Florida Hillel. He will talk about the importance of Modern Hebrew to the Jewish people, and the challenges an ancient language faces in the twenty-first century. Consider this: An Oxford scholar of biblical Hebrew was recently pulled aside as a security risk at Tel Aviv Airport-why? Because the assumption was that he must understand the language fluently; yet he did not understand the... Full story

  • Award-winning author to speak at Historical Society event

    Nov 4, 2016

    Marcia Fine, award-winning author of seven novels, will speak about a “Sephardic Journey,” Monday, Nov. 14, at 7 p.m. in the Flagler Room of the Old Ponce de Leon Hotel, 74 King Street at Cordova Street on the Flagler College Campus in St. Augustine. Fine’s historical fiction The Blind Eye, has been chosen by the State Library of Arizona ONEBOOKAZ, a celebration of quality literature. The event is sponsored by the St. Augustine Jewish Historical Society as part of the quest to understand the behaviors of Converso Jews in hiding during the S... Full story

  • Aleppo brings Hezbollah back into the frame

    Ben Cohen, JNS.org|Nov 4, 2016

    After months of dithering, the Obama administration has finally taken some action against the Lebanese Islamist terror organization Hezbollah. The U.S. Treasury Department has applied sanctions on four Hezbollah operatives reportedly planning terror attacks, as well as a company, Al-Inmaa Engineering and Contracting LLC, controlled by a senior Hezbollah financier. Meanwhile, the U.S. State Department has sanctioned Hezbollah commander Haytham ‘Ali Tabataba’i, also known as Abu ‘Ali Al-Tabataba’i, under U.S. counterterrorism rules. He has lea... Full story

  • FYI from JCRC: The power of interfaith relations

    Nov 4, 2016

    Hello, readers! We hope you all enjoyed time for reflection during the many October holidays and are greeting November with a sense of renewal and reinvigoration. Your JCRC certainly is! We are gearing up for a big fall seminar, Nostra Aetate: Turning Points for Interfaith Dialogue, on Monday, Nov. 14. In partnership with the Interfaith Council of Central Florida, the Diocese of Orlando, the Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center, and the Peace and Justice Institute at Valencia College, we will explore Nostra Aetate, the Vatican’s 1... Full story

  • We've met the enemy

    Ira Sharkansky|Nov 4, 2016

    Not much politics here. A long national holiday begins a few days before Rosh Hashanah and extends till two days after Succot. In Jewish tradition, there is a day after a holiday, perhaps to provide for recuperation. All told, that’s close to a month without politics. When things get going again in a few days, we may hear how the greats and near greats are responding to the UNESCO decisions about the lack of a Jewish claim to the Temple Mount, and the expansion of a regional war with new atrocities from Nigeria, across Libya and Egypt, and o... Full story

  • UNESCO's historical revisionism- another form of hate speak

    Rabbi Benjamin Blech, Aish Hatorah Resources|Nov 4, 2016

    It is pointless to argue with those who happily pervert reality in the service of their profoundly held prejudices. Is there no limit to the United Nations’ willingness to ignore every readily verifiable fact and provable source of historic truth in order to give expression to its obsessive and all-consuming hatred of Israel and the Jewish people? The resolution passed by UNESCO last week replaces more than thousands of years of recorded history with a version of the story of Jerusalem and the site of the holy Temples of the Jews which is far m... Full story

  • No sense denying the Jewish connection to Jerusalem

    Stephen M. Flatow, JNS.org|Nov 4, 2016

    Archaeologists have uncovered yet more evidence of the ancient Jewish connection to Jerusalem—the very same week that UNESCO and the Palestinian Authority (PA) were declaring that Jews have no ties to Jerusalem. Talk about irony. The latest discovery of a site where the Roman army assaulted Jewish forces guarding the outer walls of Jerusalem, during the Second Temple period, explodes the lies of the U.N. and the PA. Consider this. The Romans were attacking Jewish forces. No evidence was found of any Palestinian forces in the area. The assault t... Full story

  • Why every Jew should vote for Trump: Iran Nuclear Deal

    Nov 4, 2016

    Dear Editor: It seems that the American Jewish community has been largely silent about the July 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called this deal a “historic mistake.” The deal made it possible for Iran to have access to $150 billion in frozen assets. It did not end their nuclear weapons program. It did not require any nuclear facilities to be destroyed. It allows them to acquire nuclear weapons in about a decade, assuming they don’t cheat on the deal. In addition, the administration “secretly” authorized a $1.7 bill... Full story

  • We need the firm voice of a man of action

    Nov 4, 2016

    Dear Editor: With unlimited funds, Mrs. Clinton’s supporters can place full-page ads, even in The Heritage, providing her sound bites ostensibly favorable to Jewish concerns as expressed to AIPAC. However, with millions contributed to her “charitable” foundation by all the Arab potentates, her sincerity concerning Israel is most dubious. As to Mr. Trump’s pledge to be “neutral” in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, it merely confirms his acknowledgement that those deliberations must be bilateral and not imposed by anyone else. Then there is th... Full story

  • What's Happening

    Nov 4, 2016

    MORNING AND EVENING MINYANS (Call synagogue to confirm time.) Chabad of South Orlando—Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. and 10 minutes before sunset; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, 8:15 a.m., 407-354-3660. Congregation Ahavas Yisrael—Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m.; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-644-2500. Congregation Chabad Lubavitch of Greater Daytona—Monday, 8 a.m.; Thursday, 8 a.m., 904-672-9300. Congregation Ohev Shalom—Sunday, 9 a.m., 407-298-4650. GOBOR Community Minyan at Jewish Academy of Orlando—Monday—Friday, 7:45 a.m.—8:30 a.m. Temple I... Full story

  • Find DNA ancestorsm, cousins, and searching Holocaust records

    Nov 4, 2016

    Start on a family discovery journey with the Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Orlando (JGSGO) as it continues “My Jewish Roots” a JGSGO Workshop Roadshow. Each participant’s family discovery journey will include directed hands-on labs that will lead to extending their family tree—adding newly discovered ancestors and living cousins. The November “My Jewish Roots” workshop, “Find DNA Ancestors and Cousins,” will cover: YDNA, mtDNA, and autosomal DNA. Family Tree DNA, 23andMe, and AncestryDNA. Does three test types + three testing compani... Full story

  • Find your roots

    Nov 4, 2016

    The third in the series of "My Jewish Roots" workshops hosted by the Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Orlando will be held Thursday, Nov. 10 from 7 to 9 p.m. at UCF Hillel. Shown here is Lynn Mendez as she mans the JGSGO booth, encouraging everyone to find their 'Jewish Roots' at last weekend's 'Sunday in the Park.'... Full story

  • Ancestry subscription awarded to genealogy workshop attendee

    Nov 4, 2016

    Jean White won a subscription to Ancestry.com while attending the second in the series of 10 monthly Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Orlando workshops held at the Roth JCC on Oct. 26. White is shown here with JCFGO President Jerry Kurland. The next in the series of workshops will be "Find DNA Ancestors and Cousins" with genetic genealogist Diahan Southard. It will be held Thursday, Nov. 10, 7 p.m. at UCF Hillel. The workshop is free and open to the public. There will be a drawing for a... Full story

  • Engagement Annoucement - Lindsay Williams and Dr. Adam Siegel

    Nov 4, 2016

    Daniel and Sherry Williams of Longwood, Fla., are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Lindsay Williams to Dr. Adam Siegel, son of Dr. Robert and Michele Siegel of Greenville, S.C. The bride-elect is a writer, video producer, recovering travel addict, and proud graduate of the University of Florida (chomp, chomp!). She is a dedicated storyteller, who once lived in a van in the Australian Outback because she thought it would give her writing "street cred" (it didn't). Lindsay... Full story

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